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REQ - Maya Model Conversion - Yamato


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Thanks for the information links. Hopefully somebody with Maya can help me out.


Starblazers was one of my favorite cartoons as a kid and I've always liked the Yamato design...especially this twisted version for the cartoon. ;)



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I've heard that you'd really have to know something exporting it or something could go wrong with polygons.

I can recall one maya-user with some skills, but I can't remember where... :happy:


Bethsoft, A post with maya users...I couldn't find any other ones that' have responded using Maya this year...that post pretty much shows most of them.


Tesnexus maya users that have recently been online:


There are a lot more, but those either just have placed one post or didn't so recently..

The average user seems to be on the F3-forum....


Good luck with finding help.



(Using the spoiler-code to cover up links is impossible?)

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I've heard that you'd really have to know something exporting it or something could go wrong with polygons.


From what I've heard, you have to enable OBJ exporter and (based on prior linked tutorial) if the model used NURBS, then the NURBS would need to be converted to polygons (preferably quads) before export.


The OBJ export screen should prompt if the UV Maps should be preserved too...or it may assume that they should be preserved. Either way, the UVs would definitely need to be exported with the model.


From what I've seen, this is how you enable the OBJ Export in Maya 7:


window>setting/prefs>plugin manager>click on load beside objExport.mll


To convert a NURBS surface to polygon, you select the NURBS surface and then on the menu, select Modify, Convert, NURBS to polygons



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In case anyone is interested in the Yamato as well, I found a detailed (although not as cool as the above) SketchUp model here: http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/det...amp;prevstart=0


I am converting the sketchup version to Blender format in case anyone wants it.


EDIT: I finished the SketchUp to Blender conversion of the Yamato Battleship from the Google 3D Warehouse. It took about 2 hours to fully optimize it to a state better than the original. Converted tris to quads, configured materials and transparency, removed duplication and utilized linked models when appropriate which reduced the size from 9.5 MB to 3.5 MB.






Still hoping somebody will convert the Starblazer Maya model to something that can be imported by a free 3D program (Blender, XSI Mod Tool, DoubleCAD XT, Milkshape 3D)




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Thanks again Pronam, it is something I can work with. It will take a bit of cleanup work but I believe I can get it looking like the original. Must have had multi-res meshes.


I'll get to cleaning it up promptly. If anyone else wants it in Blender format after I'm done, send a PM.






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I don't know a thing about that program, fortunately you can use it.

Owk, then I'll get those planes up as well. (Those were also included in that package...)



Here it is: Link.

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