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Yahoo more Oblivion crashing..What's new.


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- sighs and downs coffee preparing to type -

Alright. Well, I've had this issue before. Which I've always resolved by deleting the save because I never really play the game, I just dork around with my own character's roleplay. However this time around if I delete this save I'm done playing for quite a while, I've accomplished a LOT. I was playing FINE for two hours. Then in my house ( Ancient Towers, I have too many mods to name at this point and before you ask YES I have BOSS ) I went to go to another room and I got a ctd. I loaded the game back up and ctd again, right as the loading bar got to the end and I was about to enter the cell. I tried again with an earlier autosave and it let me in the game, until I tried to leave my current cell ( which was a house in Bravil ) I tried to go outside and ctd again! :D

So my question is, WTF. I didn't install any new mods that could be the issue. If you want I could get a list of my load order, though I doubt that would be the issue. Every new mod I install I run BOSS. And like I said, I made no changes to the game in that two hour period. It just randomly stopped working. No in-game changes either with any mods or the console, even if I had it would have been erased when I loaded an earlier save. This has me utterly stumped. Any help would be greatly appriciated, along with a free sweetroll :U


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Something you could try is the "coc center" trick.


Open the console using the tilde (~) key (on standard keyboards it's right below the Esc key). At the console prompt type "coc center" (without the quote marks) and hit Enter. You'll be transported to an open plain with some trees in the distance. Using the game wait menu wait for 72 hours plus a bit more (that's three full days and a bit more). Open the console again and "coc weye" (or another location if you know the correct location code). You'll be transported to inside the fisherman's shack at Weye. See if you can now continue.


Sweetrolls not required ... I'm watching my waistline, but all it seems to do is get bigger.

Edited by Striker879
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