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New Monsters and Creatures


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I am sure it has probably already been addressed. But I think some new monsters and creatures to the game would really help. I get tired of fighting the same creatures and monsters all the time. I have searched all over the net for a creature/monster pack mod but so far have come across nothing.
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There are atleast a billion O.O


Just kidding, there definitely ain't a billion. Try Stormfront Studios Presents and MMM, they both add new creatures and make the existing ones better.




Awesome, thank you. I spent the better part of an hour looking for Creature/Monster Mods and couldn't find jack. What would also be cool is if they had wild game you could hunt for food. Im talking real food, like Deer..ect..ect..I loved fallout 3 for the 360. And once I got it for my PC I became even more hooked because of the endless mods out there.



Edit: Holy crap Rad mantis! lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am working on 2 creatures I hope to release, but they arn't really even near done at the moment


I have the Centisheep, which is a 15 foot long sheep with 20 legs, and the Wasteland Penguin, which is a large chicken that is covered with lizard like skin


It is all saposed to be part of my farm in my mod, but I will probly have some wild Wasteland Penguins that will attack you, but they would be pretty weak


I am also planning on makeing some sort of horse, but not a regular horse, but a mutated horse. I just havn't decided on an idea on how exactly I want to mutate the horse yet.

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I just thought of a kewl new monster... in fact, it's SO silly it deserves it's own thread so it can get bashed right & proper. Right then, I'll make one.


EDIT: On second though, I'll not waste the bandwidth. Here it is, then:




Heck, a new look and new sound files added to robobrain movement scripts and viola!... we could have sinister daleks running amok in the wasteland. They'd need more powerful lasers to make them no longer the joke the robobrains are, of course.


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I am also planning on makeing some sort of horse, but not a regular horse, but a mutated horse. I just havn't decided on an idea on how exactly I want to mutate the horse yet.


Sorry to be buzzkill mclore but horses are extinct. :whistling: But who cares about lore!


If Bethesda can make Mothership Zeta part of Fallout lore, then I can dam well put horses into whatever I want.

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Hmmm... how to mutate a horse?


Mr. Ed them, so they talk? naahh..


Give them a wide humped back, sort of like a camel's, good for surviving with limited food availability?

Let their manes run all along their backs instead of stopping at the shoulders?

Modify their hooves to be wider and good for ...digging? Clawed?



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