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Will social progressivim become the new domestic terorism


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They call it a 'movement' for a reason. (I would insert the term "bowel" in front of that, as it concerns progressives, but hey, that's just me.) They are trying to move society in a specific direction. Trouble is, as is typical with the human race, not everyone wants to go the same way. So, what we end up with, is those that scream the loudest, end up getting their agenda moved to the top, and society moves in 'their' direction. No society stays the same for very long, they change over time, mostly gradually, sometimes dramatically.... not all change is 'good' for the society, but, they don't figure that out until AFTER it becomes patently obvious that "hey, maybe that wasn't such a good idea after all." I just wish our politicians would learn to recognize a 'bad idea' when it slaps them in the face with the consequences. But no.... they will repeat the exact same behavior, and expect different results, and then act all surprised when the exact same consequence occurs again.....



Politicians only understand the flow of a wave and how to best benefit by it. They follow the currents in the waters they fish in and if they use the right bait, they get the prize. Another term in office.


The term progressive was coined a long time ago. I think Teddy Roosevelt had something to do with that. It was a slow moveing jugernaught that was supposed to bring prosperity to all, which the jury is still out on their accomplishments, since the idea of benefiting all is patently absurd. People think differently and there is usually a good reason behind their thoughts.


The one thing that these new breed of progressives don't understand is that what was achieved was not done overnight. It was a sloiw process that entailed discussing and debait on the attributes of each point of veiw and the slow disintegration of the old into the new. It reached out to others and allowed their input, which is not what is happening here, today, which is why I posted this thread.


I don't totally disagree with any issue they have, but I totally dissagree with the way they are going about getting it done. They are becoming the bullies in the room and trying to destroy those who openly speak agaist them other than honestly debaiting the issues. I know there are only a part of this movement doing this, but, as there are very few within their ranks that speak out against them, the public will brand them all and they will end up with the same image that Peta has.


The one thing that people in the center know, wither they lean to the left or the right is a certian level of fairness. Those on the far right or left know only their ideology and it is they who push too far, too fast and in the end remove themselves from the consideration of the public.

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That seems to be the way of it though. "If you don't agree with me, you must be insane." After all, it is so much easier to simply dismiss the opposition as crackpots, and whiners, than to actually debate with them. (when there is a very good chance they have a valid point, and you are, in fact, wrong.......) There is no cooperation anymore. THAT is probably what Obama is going to be most remembered for. His polarization of the different sides, and their absolute refusal to compromise. At All.


But then, Washington hasn't had 'the best interests of the country' in mind for quite a while now. Their main interest is in getting re-elected, lining thier pockets, and making sure the 'other guy' doesn't score any points. Doesn't seem to matter whether that idea is 'good for the country' or not. Not to mention, they sell us a bill of goods, telling us "This action IS good for the country." But, what they are REALLY saying there is: "This action is good for our major campaign contributors, and puts money in my pocket, and makes sure my contributors are happy with me, and will help me get re-elected....." Most of the 'social' issues that we are seeing in the news on a daily basis is simply fodder for the masses, to keep them disctracted for what is REALLY going on. The fleecing of america, by the very people we elected to run it.

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The main byproduct of polarization is the absolute ownership of any legislation that was passed by the offending party. If the legislation works, that's alright, but if it's flawed it will be the albatros around their neck for a very long time.


I think the powers that be have tried to move the country too far to the left, too fast for the rest of the country. If I read the tea leaves right and the up and coming political activists have taken a cue from that. I think the issue we are discussing here is crept into our lives because of that and they, I think too will learn the the lesson of unbridled rampages over other peoples feet.


If you look at the history of American Presidents, going back you will find that there have been a constant flip flop between the Democrats and the Republicans. There has seldom been a constant where one party has owner the oval office. I don't know if that was because of the candidates involved or the feel of the country, but as for me. I think the country wants a balance and will gravitate towards and equilibrium.


That in mind, I think that the pendulum is about to swing back towards the center, but since the powers that be have yanked us so far to the left the swing will take the country back just as far in the conservative lines, but that is another topic all together and deserves it's own thread.

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