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New Faction


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I have created a nice little estate north of Pelagiad and would like to create a new faction for NPCs loyal to my character. Are there any tutorials or advice on using a new faction?
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I have created a nice little estate north of Pelagiad and would like to create a new faction for NPCs loyal to my character. Are there any tutorials or advice on using a new faction?

i would reccomend asking around waiting4oblivions forums ive found they are usefull for that kind of thing

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I have created a nice little estate north of Pelagiad and would like to create a new faction for NPCs loyal to my character. Are there any tutorials or advice on using a new faction?

i would reccomend asking around waiting4oblivions forums ive found they are usefull for that kind of thing




If he asked here, it only best to answer here.


Try Morrowind's scripting for Dummies: http://www.thelys.org/mods/Morrowind_Scrip...mmies_8_PDF.zip


It might explain such a thing in there, of not, then I can't help you I'm afraid, I've searched on google and have yet to find a tutorial for factions...

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To create a new faction, go to the 'character' menu in the TESCS and select the 'Faction' option, then enter the ID, name etc of your new faction in the relevant boxes. Setting rank requirements can get a bit repetitive, though.


You can also set modifiers which determine how well or ill-disposed members of your new faction are towards members of other factions.


Is the player going to be a member of the faction? In order to account for the faction's loyalty to the player, you could set the player's faction rank to the highest possible upon joining, and also set the player's faction reputation.

Alternatively you could create a second new faction which has the player as its only member, and set the disposition of the NPC faction towards the player faction to ensure extreme goodwill.


Hope this helps. :)

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Thanks. I'll give these things a try. BTW, this is going to be my PC's faction, but I didn't want to just assign the faction to the player npc; I thought it would be more fun if he had to work his way up. Hopefully, I won't have too many stupid questions to bother you with. And I'll do some searching in the archives...
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

First time I made a new faction I found it pretty confusing.

A couple 'tips':

In the Ranks field you need to double-click to make a new rank, as if you were to rename it. Then just type in the ranks name.

The field below it, which mods NPCs disps, just need a simple right click to alter.


Hope that helps at all.

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