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no problemo, grannywils :)




Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll



Bolivia ("Fleeting Star"); Cover Oblivion 2009 "Femme Fatale" (mine)




France ("I'm Waiting"); Cover Morrowind 2002 "Cliff Racer Down" (mine)


Gortoz a ran (Breton; English lyrics)



I'm waiting


I was waiting, waiting for a long time

In the dark shadow of grey towers

In the dark shadow of grey towers


In the dark shadow of rain towers

You will see me waiting forever

You will see me waiting forever


One day it will come back

Over the lands, over the seas


The blue wind will return

And take back with it my wounded heart


I will be pulled away by its breath

Far away in the stream, wherever it wishes


Wherever it wishes, far away from this world

Between the sea and the stars



Take your protein pills, boys



Well, you've done it again, Surenas. You give me something to look forward to almost everyday. Beautiful music.

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Dethklok-Into The Water


drowning out :P the stupid fricking bs techno music that the neighbour is cranking...*sigh* Friday nights...

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Thanks for listening, grannywils :)




Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll



England - Cover Oblivion 2010 "The Last Temptation" (mine)




USA - Cover Oblivion 2008 "American Woman" (mine)



Take your protein pills, boys

http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif Shabbat Shalom

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Thanks for listening, grannywils :)




Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll



England - Cover Oblivion 2010 "The Last Temptation" (mine)




USA - Cover Oblivion 2008 "American Woman" (mine)



Take your protein pills, boys

http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif Shabbat Shalom


Surenas: I loved the juxtapostion of the two completely different musical styles on the first track. And I never heard Lenny Kravitz sing American Woman. I very much liked his version. I has a certain violence to it that you don't often hear in other versions. It fits the lyrics. Most importantly, I loved your cover art on both. As usual I thank you.

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Thanks for listening, grannywils :)

It's pleasing that you love the covers




Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll





Germany - Cover Fallout-3 "Rainbow Warrior" (mine)




Sudan - Cover Fallout-3 "Ceasefire" (mine)


Notes. Baai is a mix of rap in Arabic, English, Swahili, Dinka and Nuer and thus utmost difficult to translate. I'm sorry.

It's a track of "Blood Diamond" (2006) starring L. DiCaprio, a movie that alludes to the Sierra Leone Civil War 1996-1999.

What you see here might thus be a black top model similar to Naomi Campbell, performing for blood diamonds in front

of the kneeling Liberian war criminal Charles Taylor during his gruesome involvement in the Sierra Leone Civil War... *g*



Take your protein pills, boys


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Thanks for listening, grannywils :)

It's pleasing that you love the covers




Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll





Germany - Cover Fallout-3 "Rainbow Warrior" (mine)




Sudan - Cover Fallout-3 "Ceasefire" (mine)



Once again, I applaud you for your choices and for your wealth of knowledge. I do not know how old you are. I will have to go back to your home page to check and see if it gives your age. As I have said before, I do not always understand what you say on your posts, and I am never sure if I agree with you or not (but I always think that I do). But I feel now that I am coming to understand you through your musical choices. You remind me very much of myself, more so when I was younger and more of an activist. But I still need to keep my hand in, so to speak, and I have to say that I had forgotten how much music could be a gateway and an outlet for that. You have done me a great service, and I truly appreciate it. This Charles Taylor, blood diamond issue is so appaling. I did not watch that movie, because I have reached a point in my life where I feel that I know so well the horrors that exist in this world that sometimes I do not want to see them portrayed to me as "entertainment". But, by the same token, I do not want to become frozen in time and forget about man's inhumanity to man (although there is little chance that that would ever happen to me. My brain is still working pretty well). But anyway, thank you for these wonderful examples of the music of the world's people about what is really important in the world and for taking the time to explain and/or translate. It has been like a breath of fresh air for me.


Notes. Baai is a mix of rap in Arabic, English, Swahili, Dinka and Nuer and thus utmost difficult to translate. I'm sorry.

It's a track of "Blood Diamond" (2006) starring L. DiCaprio, a movie that alludes to the Sierra Leone Civil War 1996-1999.

What you see here might thus be a black top model similar to Naomi Campbell, performing for blood diamonds in front

of the kneeling Liberian war criminal Charles Taylor during his gruesome involvement in the Sierra Leone Civil War... *g*



Take your protein pills, boys


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Surenas: Once again, I applaud you for your choices and for your wealth of knowledge. I do not know how old you are. I will have to go back to your home page to check and see if it gives your age. As I have said before, I do not always understand what you say on your posts, and I am never sure if I agree with you or not (but I always think that I do). But I feel now that I am coming to understand you through your musical choices. You remind me very much of myself, more so when I was younger and more of an activist. But I still need to keep my hand in, so to speak, and I have to say that I had forgotten how much music could be a gateway and an outlet for that. You have done me a great service, and I truly appreciate it. edit: I always use music in so many ways, and it is such an integral part of my life, but I had forgotten for awhile this most important one of letting it express both political views and sometimes frustrations or glorifications and not just emotions. This Charles Taylor, blood diamond issue is so appaling. I did not watch that movie, because I have reached a point in my life where I feel that I know so well the horrors that exist in this world that sometimes I do not want to see them portrayed to me as "entertainment". But, by the same token, I do not want to become frozen in time and forget about man's inhumanity to man (although there is little chance that that would ever happen to me. My brain is still working pretty well). But anyway, thank you for these wonderful examples of the music of the world's people about what is really important in the world and for taking the time to explain and/or translate. It has been like a breath of fresh air for me.
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their self-titled album has to be their most epic ^_^




Ensiferum-Elusive Reaches

Protector of the sun arrives with light

From the edge of the world to the highest heights.

With a thunder blast he greets his twin,

and falls back to oblivion.


From the western plains where nature blooms.

Roams the swift brother in eternal blue.

Chasing the vanishing golden light.

Hasting towards an endless night.


Across the high northern skies

The eldest brother in all his might.

Guards the frozen barren land

with a token of wisdom in his hand.


Forlorn moon and dreadful mist

the youngest brother raises his fist.

all life slowly withers away

and the infinite circle begins again.


The trail of the winds remains unseen,

For mortals their realm stays concealed.

The ageless skies that stand before our eyes,

When we'll be gone they'll still be flying free.


Silvery light of the sea,

sparkles of far beneath.

Cold breeze against their brawn,

reminds them of cold steel and war!


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Some nice one Surenas since I last posted. http://img1.jurko.net/avatar_5398.gif

I like Reggae too.




I like a lot more of them. They have so may good song.

I only picked this because Its WOW version that keeps me smiling when I see it.

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