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The Official Currently Listening To Thread


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I went through the few last pages of this thread, and I can see that my music preferences clearly stands out. Heh.





Reminds me of Carbon Based Lifeforms or SeaMoon. :)

Even Saltillo, to a certain degree.

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We go right for the top shelf with our words now. We don’t think about how we talk. We just say the right to the f***ing, just— “dude, it was amazing.” really? you were amazed? You were amazed by a basket of chicken wings? Really? Amazing? What are you gonna do with the rest of your life now? What if something really happens to you? What if jesus comes down from the sky and makes love to you all night long, leaves the new living lord in your belly? What are you gonna call that? You used “amazing” on a basket of chicken wings. You’ve limited yourself verbally to a s*** life.


Louis C.K.

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