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Ya know, I've seen that too on other places. I never realized that so many people like metal.


I listen to other things...I grew up listening to metal (Metallica, Pantera, Iron Maiden, etc.) though. It still sticks, it's the music I've always liked. Nobody wants to hear my music in my family, it scares them haha. It's rather rare that I listen to anything else. I listen to a lot of the other things I like when I'm in the car. Stuff like Pink Floyd, Zeppelin, Hendrix, etc. When I was a kid I liked The Offspring, Green Day, Sublime along with my metal. My boyfriend is the driver and he won't let me put in any of my music until I learn how to drive :tongue: (I don't think he likes it very much either, but he puts up with it haha). He listens to punk and ska and stuff, which I like, it's cool. He's not a big music person though....often we don't even have the radio or CD player on in the car haha.


Yeah, they aren't too bad...the clean vocals kill it though. It just sounds terrible lol. They are coming out with a new album soon, worth a listen because it sounds like Ensiferum. But their clean vocals is more chorus like, not so "Elvis attempting opera" sound hahahah


Ensiferum-Twilight Tavern


We heard that enemies were approaching from the south

We marched to face them and killed their scout

But we were ambushed and slaughtered in the night

We fought so bravely but none were left alive


Now I open my eyes and what do I see

A rainbow in the moonlight and valkyries calling me

They say: “Don't be afraid” and ask me to follow.

“You've been expected, so forget your sorrow.”


There warrior's souls forever rejoice


With our ancestors we raise our horns


There warrior's swords forever shine on


Welcoming our brothers at the break of dawn!



Life is so short

Oh son of the North

You'll find your peace

At the end of the journey


Hey! All greet us when we open the door

Familiar faces, brothers it’s been too long

Beer is flowing, the smell of burning meat

In the morning battle reigns like hell’s been unleashed


As the sun sets behind the mountain's peak

The master of the house shouts: “Drink and feast!”

This feels like it is too good to be true

The call for final battle will be here soon


hehe I love it. Viking songs are so cool

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Im lisning to Randome music and my teacher yell at me XD i would give a link but im at school soo all are filterd.....But i might be able to name some


Just lose it

Counting bodies like sheep

Mother Lover

Play that Funky Music White Boy

Rock of Ages

Hells bells

Highway to Hell



Well thats all i can name off the top of my head =D

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Uncharacteristically instrumental acoustic (mainly) from a great band. I saw them support Cancer Bats last year, and I really loved them. They're kinda punky, rock type stuff, influenced by Thin Lizzy (one of my all time favorite bands), and it's good to hear they're finally getting some popularity.

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