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Birth Control - Gamma Ray (Album Hoodoo Man 1972)



Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll




1972: The Easter Offensive begins. Equipped with Soviet Tanks, Vo Nguyen Giap’s North Vietnamese Army launch a large-scale assault across the DMZ into the Quang Tri province. The logistical base at Long Bien is turned over to the South Vietnamese, marking the near end of direct U.S. Army participation in the Vietnam War.



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Surenas: I must tell you again, you get the most amazing music. I cannot get 88.3 on my computer. I have tried. I do get some pretty good "world music", but not that station. Anyway, I keep checking back in to see what you're listening to.

And Silver DNA, that Tangerine Dream clip is one I just loved. I remember that as if it was yesterday. But of course, I am old!!!


Thanks to you both for sharing.


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Ensiferum-Little Dreamer


Once there was boy back in time of the heathens

Day after day he just kept dreaming things that would make him weaker

His father could not make him see, that there is more than dreams

But he wouldn't listen to the words of his father, 'cause he's the Little Dreamer


Along his quest for solitude

A wise man came and told him to follow the stars


He ran to the forest with druids by his side

He's lost in this world of lies

Take him back where rivers flow upwards

He is the one who lives

under a moonless sky looking for time

Take him back where stars are shining bright


Far in the land of ice top mountains far on the other side

pictures are appearing so serenely into my mind

Far in the land of meadows of fire deep in forgotten life

memories are drifting away so silently from light


Along his path of misery

A wise man came and told him to follow the stars


Little Dreamer

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This is a little off topic, but not entirely, as I have listened to all of these in the not too distant past. However, I have said before that all music should be heard, if not in person, then through headphones; but certain music just must be heard through headphones. I could list about a thousand such pieces; but I have compiled a short list here. Does anyone agree or disagree or have any others they would like to add. Note, I have a rather eclectic taste in music, so it runs quite the gamut. Let me know if you think this should be a topic for a separate thread. Thanks.



K.D. Lang - Hymns of the 49th Parallel - Hallelujah


Pink Floyd - The Wall (whole album)


Zucchero - Zucchero & Co. (whole album)


Beatles - Abbey Road - Come Together, I Want You


Chopin, The Piano Concertos - Piano Concerto #1 in E Minor, Op 11-2. Romance (Larghetto) or the whole album


Kitaro In Person (Digital) - (whole ablum)


(Massanet) Itzhak Perlman-A la Carte/Lawrence Foster - Thais - Meditation (1st track on the album)


Eric Bibb - Sisters and Brothers (Whole Album)


(Eric Clapton & BB King) Riding with the King - Hold on I'm Coming



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mmm yeah The Wall sounds great in headphones...specially my godly ear drum shattering DJ headphones lol :P


most people find my music too offensive for headphones lol...or offensive in general haha...


Ensiferum-From Afar



hmm youtube being lame for me too...prolly don't allow embedding on this video or something...

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