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Dragonlance Tc


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Have you got any skills in these areas?


-interior design

-books and literature

-exterior design




Or maybe something else? Please stop by Dragonlance TC forums (http://elderion.phpbb3.net/ftopic2.html) and have a poke around. You can chat, find out more about the project and possibly volunteer your services!


The Dragonlance world is diverse and filled with rich lore. An overview of the plans for this Oblivion mod is such:

7 Completely NEW races! (dwarves, silvanesti elf, kagonesti elf, qualinesti, kender, half-ogres, humans and possibly even mini DRAGONS!)

All new spell system under construction (put in YOUR two cents!)

Huge landscapes with Dragonlance lore creatures and dungeons.




But to do all this we need help! A lot of help! If you can help out in any way, come alng to our forums, gert an account and have a chat with our frendly staff. Please, this TC is surely a grand scope but that doesnt mean you cant help!! Tell your friends too ;) !!




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  • 2 months later...

Honestly, I thought the Dragonlance books were among some of the greatest I've ever read.

Sadly, this topic has been brought up on the official forums.

Legal issues, copyright infringement, etc. were mentioned.

The copyright holders for Dragonlance were contacted, and the reply was that yes, creating this mod would be illegal.

However, I'm far from concerned with laws. They mean little to me. The law is a human institution.

Get a team together, make the mod.

But to distribute it, you'll have to rely on word-of-mouth and friend-to-friend sharing. Then simply claim that you made it solely for your own use (which oddly enough happens to be quite legal) and the file was copied by someone from your computer (of which you were "unaware"), and you never distributed it. It "leaked."

But anyhow. If you ever go through with it, PM me. I'll be sure to download it and give it a whirl.

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