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NCC-1701 USS Enterprise Deck by Deck - WIP


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I have a project I've been working for quite a while. The original idea was just to get used to 3dstudio Max and to learn it. The idea grew.

My thought was to build this up and then export it for Unreal and Oblivion engines. I'm a ways from doing that at present; but, not so far away

that thoughts aren't stirring as to what I've got ahead of me.


This is a huge project. Others have called it "epic" for it's scale. I've updated my progress over at 3dbuzz primarily. I've been away from

the work for a while and am preparing to start work again quite soon. As far along as I am, I figured it's time to start soliciting opinions, advice,

etc on exporting this for oblivion engine. The project is built using 3dStudio Max 5.1.. essentially because that's what I have.


What it is: Just what it says, a deck by deck FULL build of the original USS Enterprise. I'm roughly 4 decks from completion of the first pass

on the model (minus the nacelles). This is a year's worth of spare time work.


The first pass is to establish and troubleshoot the geometry. I've set down a course I'm following toward completion - all documented on the

3dbuzz thread. I'm sure there are questions you will have; so, I'll post a few pics and a link to the thread at buzz and let you all have at it.


I'm looking for any useful feedback/assistance in exporting this thing to Oblivion engine specifically. Critiques welcome. Have at it ;)










And the link to the full build thread: NCC-1701 USS Enterprise Deck by Deck - WIP @3DBuzz


Thanks all!

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Great job ;)

Keep Up the good work.





Alex Valentine


Thank you ;) Kinda dying to get back to work on it; but, decided to update my personal mod databases before

doing so. People been BUSY in the last year!

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I'm not sure the word epic even covers it! That's just -wow-.


Yeah, a little overwhelming to look at for me even now .. and I built the bloody thing. It's really cool to navigate through

in Max; but, I can't wait to port it and run through it in a game engine.

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Looks great!


I'll try to give some assistance. First of all, you need this to export it to the NIF format.


Do you want to export it as one big mesh? Or do you plan to make it some kind of builing?


Either way, I worry about polycount. One single shape in a NIF mesh cannot have more than 65536 vertices. But you can seperate the mesh into many shapes by assigning different materials to the polygons (or smoothing-groups). But before that you should unify all meshes into one single mesh and weld all the seams. Even though the mesh gets seperated, with this method no unwanted seams are generated.


You could probably make it fly via scripts. Or you could make it a Creature with skeleton(1 bone) and animations.

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Looks great! Awesome attention to detail. I'd also like to actually walk about in there too!


As for the external view, it might be a bit obvious, but you'd want a separate model if visible from the outside which doesn't have the unseen guts inside of it. And probably a lower poly version if you are not going to get very close to it.


It might be a good idea to split sections (decks) into different world spaces so that an elevator / door can take you to a different area but does not have to have the entire ship loaded (if that's even possible)





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Looks great!


I'll try to give some assistance. First of all, you need this to export it to the NIF format.


Do you want to export it as one big mesh? Or do you plan to make it some kind of builing?


Either way, I worry about polycount. One single shape in a NIF mesh cannot have more than 65536 vertices. But you can seperate the mesh into many shapes by assigning different materials to the polygons (or smoothing-groups). But before that you should unify all meshes into one single mesh and weld all the seams. Even though the mesh gets seperated, with this method no unwanted seams are generated.


You could probably make it fly via scripts. Or you could make it a Creature with skeleton(1 bone) and animations.


Thank you, sir.


I built it with each deck being its own mesh. The turbolift junctions are tied to each deck. That can (and probably will) change; but, It seemed the logical thing to do

for the purpose of troubleshooting the geometry on the first pass. So, I figured I'd have to handle it as multiple mesh exports and tie them together using the engine. Some decks I figured on having to break into sections.. decks 6 and 7 are prime candidates for that. Deck 7 is currently over 31k polys by itself. This is before

blowing the floor out as I intend to do; but, with detailing added, I expect it will exceed that count easily.


As for flight, I don't know how far I'll get into making her operational. It would be majorly unbalancing to the game to have her fully functioning. Though I can imagine

multiple versions of a package..

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Looks great! Awesome attention to detail. I'd also like to actually walk about in there too!


As for the external view, it might be a bit obvious, but you'd want a separate model if visible from the outside which doesn't have the unseen guts inside of it. And probably a lower poly version if you are not going to get very close to it.


It might be a good idea to split sections (decks) into different world spaces so that an elevator / door can take you to a different area but does not have to have the entire ship loaded (if that's even possible)






Thank you.


I addressed the modularity of the decks in my post just prior to this one; so, I'll leave that for the moment. The external view has it's own set of skins. I wanted

the maximum in options and that seems to solve the problem for animation purposes, etc. The current skins are pretty high on polys. But, I'd intended on having a

low poly model to work with as well. So, we're on the same page lol.


I considered tying the turbolift system together as a primary access point; but, not certain yet as to how viable an idea that is. But, I hadn't planned on loading

more than one complete deck at a time, with possible exception of the dorsal area, main engineering and the shuttlebay. The shuttlebay, I think, will pose the largest

problem. It crosses at least 5 decks.

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  • 2 months later...

The rough work on the ship is nearly done. I'm working now on finishing the nacelles. All the other decks save for the bridge are now done for this pass.

I have cleanup work to do, then on to detailing. Still a ways from completing the project; but, the first of three scheduled passes is almost complete.

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