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Ultraviolet sword


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Hello all. This is my 1st requeast for mod. I saw ultraviolet movie, with Mila Jojovich, from my movie collection yesterday and I thought it whould be really nice to see that so simple but cool sword in Skyrim as mod. Maybe an armor from that movie too. So how about it ?

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Chances, that someone picks up a request without reference material / images: <1%

Chances, that someone picks up a request with reference material / images: >1%


... the values are not accurate of course, but i guess you understand what i mean.

I know, what you're talking 'bout but i'm sure there are plenty out there that haven't seen the movie. ;)

Edited by ghosu
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I'll go ahead and pop in some images from a simple Google Search:










Also, as you can see below, someone made it in Oblivion, so maybe it could be ported with their rightful permission, or maybe the Author can be asked to do it, if he/she has Skyrim:








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