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Great Houses


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Adras, never bow down to anyone. I said that I found the wikipedia reference a good summary I may add that this was after reading through the Imperial library myself and not feeling like typing a concise summary myself.


According to the Imperial Library (where 'The Poison Song' by Bristin Xel is listed under fiction and or educational morrowind books, which certainly leaves it open to interpretation by the player as to wether it is fiction or not)and certainly the game Morrowind which I have been playing on a daily basis for three and a half years now, House Dress orphans from the Battle of the Red Mountain were in fact absorbed into House Indoril. House Indoril supplies the Temple with guards and such hence the Temple guards wearing Indoril armour and so on.


And Im not saying this is fact, it sounds propable and is supported by lore and probably deliberately left open to discussion and this would also be a summary. As for Wikipedia make up own mind.




Edit the next day: You are right Raider, I apologise to Marxist male without a father for calling names. And though I know flattery gets one nowhere with Marxist, it is a certain fact that in all things technical I would happily bow down to his obvious expertise.

I bring up The Poison Song as an example for the premise that orphans of war would be absorbed into other houses, and my reference to Dres(s because I wear one) is accidental and meant to be Dagoth. Thank you for the correction. Yes it concerns the sixth house or Dagoth and Indoril and not Dres, but illustrates what could happen. And where better for young impresionable minds than House Indoril, where indoctrination would be easiest, and they would ultimately serve the Temple. Any orphans too old, would be killed, and this occurs in our history too. The women of your enemy becomes your slave and his children you raise as your own.


All things written are from the perspective of the writer, and very few writers are objective.Wikipedia's value for me lies in the fact that it includes many perspectives and not the dictates of one. Certainly anyone who contributed would guard their own comments from defilement by idiots, and if someone as acute and dilligent as Marxist contributes to that knowledge base it could only improve. Again MB this is not flattery but simply a fact. As for the meaning of my name, I think I saw a thread somewhere for that...

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I believe this is the section in question:


“You're speaking like a madwoman,” Tay sneered. “How could you love me and my family, but hate the House Indoril? I am of the House Indoril.”


“You are old enough to know the truth,” Edebah said fiercely. Tay had bitterly joked about her madness, but he saw something close to it burning in her ancient eyes. “You were not born of House Indoril; they brought you into their house after the War, like they and the other Houses brought in all the orphans. It was the only way they saw to erase history and remove all traces of their enemies, by raising their enemies as one of them.”


Tay turned toward the door: “I can see why you were taken away from Gorne, old woman. You are delusional.”


“Wait!” Edebah cried, rushing to a musty cabinet. She retrieved from it a glass globe that shimmered with a spectrum of color even in the chamber's gloom. “Do you remember this? You slew that little boy Vaster because he possessed it, and I took it from your room because you were not ready to face the facts of your inheritance and responsibility then. Did you not wonder why this bauble drew you so?”


Tay gasped, and though he did not want to, he said, “I hear a Song sometimes.”


“That is the Song of your ancestors, of your true family,” she said, nodding. “You must not fight it, for it is a song of destiny. It will lead you to do what must be done.”


“Shut up!” Tay howled, “Everything you say is a lie! You're insane!”


Edebah threw the globe to the ground with all her might, shattering it with a deafening retort. The shards melted into the air. All that was left was a small silver ring, simply wrought with a flat crown. The old woman quietly picked it up and handed it to him, while he stood with his back against the door, trembling.


“This is your inheritance, as the bearer of the Sixth House.”


I see no mention of House Dres (or "House Dress," as you seem to like calling them) in the text, specifically. The name isn't even brought up. In fact, I think there's enough context here to make the case that the orphans in question are only the ones from House Dagoth, and likely also the Dwemer sympathizers. Secondly, it is stated that the orphans are distributed among all the houses -- not just House Indoril, and not directly to the Temple at all. Furthermore, for House Dres to be absorbed into House Indoril or the Temple in this manner, all members of House Dres would have to have been orphaned children. Lastly, House Dres is indicated as being alive and well in all Morrowind dialog concerning it; not even a passing reference is made to a "lost" House Dres, and the fact that there are five houses is completely undisputed.


The fact of the matter is that Wikipedia is not a credible source. At all. Not even for video games, and not even when the facts are laid out right in front of its contributors. That's far from the worst part, too -- the worst part is that since they don't even do rudimentary checks on who changes what, I don't even know who I can blame for wasting everyone's time with this idiocy.


As for your rather toothless insult, I always say it's better to be a halfbreed (even if that were applicable; you should try looking up the definitions for the words you use) than a halfwit, I always say.

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I find it rather unlikely that House Dres was absorbed into the Tribunal Temple, simply because people who chat about abolition and slavery mention that slavery is still big in Telvanni and Dres districts. I don't think they would mention it if Dres no longer existed.


No need for name calling, guys. Break it up.

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