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Traveling companions


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So it can't just be me who realizes there are very few mods for male companions. I use cm partners and while the base mod of that gives a good amount, basically all other mods to add more are for chicks. Personally I want more male companion mods, it seems weird to me that every time I go to recruit someone for dangerous quests its always some very cutesy looking girl who looks like she isnt a day over 20. Where are all the tough badass dudes? Now I know you can use the toolset to make more yourself but because of issues I dont quite get I am no longer able to use the toolset but my oblivion is stable, works well and took forever to get right so I don't want to go through the dreaded reinstall.

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Don't look at CM partners. They are boring. Look for indipendent Partners like Arren and Vance and Colega Eanno and Crudius or Female Vilja and Bloodsucker or Rhianna. They are much more alive than CM Partners who only own a pretty face.


My personal Companion Theresa a very small Girl and a Monster is not available, cause she is mine, and I think I can'T share her.

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Cm partners I dont mind, Its not like I travel with anyone too long anyway since I play with fcom and all installed so they drop like flies. (I force everyone to be nonessential since it feels like cheating to have immortals helping you) so when I go look for more companion mods as I burned through all companions I have installed its rare that I find one for a male. Thanks for the links. I somehow have not seen the Arren one before, maybe I accidently skipped a page when searching that category.

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Ok, your Choice.


I myself have mortal Parners, too, but all of them are magical like the sommoning creatures in the Vanilla Game so I can get them back.


Summon Vampire, summon Pixie (from Japan) summon Theresa (from Japan, long time ago) Saphirias Romance and the chamber of Dschin(here from Tesnexus, great Mod) a Dschinn in a Bottle. A Horse in a Ring, a Panther in a Figurine, a riding Dragon in a spell. I don't feel it a cheat. My char is a real good magican :laugh: and he is walking alone, if he likes.

Edited by Harvald
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I like each companion to be unique so I give them custom armor and weapons so I have to actually care about keeping them alive as if they die then they are gone for good as it adds a level of importance to combat as its not just me I have to worry about. I wish there were more unique strong companions that dont rely on being essential to not get killed by a few fcom creatures. I give them overpowered equipment and yet still lost 5 partners in Kvatch and that was even with me slinging spells at the enemies.

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An alternative way to play with Companion Vilja, once she has learned her higher level healing spells, is to instruct her that you want her to stay out of the fights. If she's attacked she'll defend herself naturally, but in general with vanilla badguys they'll go after you and leave her alone. If things go downhill for your character she'll jump into the fray, healing you and defending you with a "Leave my friend alone!".


Maybe not how you'd always play it out, but with Vilja you can at least avoid that maniac companion rush headlong into battle without any consideration of tactics problem. If you hotkey her Vilja Start Combat spell you can size up the enemy force, hit one of the outliers with the spell to have her work that one over and then dive in yourself on the main force. It at least gives you a chance to position yourself and pick your moment to attack, rather that letting the suicidal CMs dictate the battle (I use CMs for house dressing and giving the bars some patrons and not much else).

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Well Vilja I leave at my tower since I want to keep her alive and with fcom and all she doesn't last long if I go anywhere that isn't just friendly npcs. I do need companions that help out in combat as being born under the atronach sign and with a amulet that gives 1 point of magicka regen makes taking on everyone solo a bad choice as I have to resort to my Dea Obscura powers which are quite limited in use as well. Really need a tanking companion but none I find are quite up to the task even with armor and weapons that should be considered quite overpowered.

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For this kind of behavior Bloodsucker is the best choice by far at the momant cause Tess Rysan from "bladesong" is gone.


She exists in a creepy book you have to carry with you. She has 6 different fighting styles Fighter, Marksman, Thief, Magican, Monk, and Martial Artist. 6 different changeble outfits and weapon configuration and she dies. If she is dead you can't recall her at once,cause she is unconcious.

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of cause,


but if you summon a skeletonwarrior or a Xiviali you get him again, again and again. You have to decide if it only a higher level of Magic for you or a cheat. I myself decided that ist is only a higher level of magic and use this companions.

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