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Most and least favorite NPCs.


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I put this in the spoilers section as some replies may contain (obviously) spoilers. Just post your favorite character and the character you'd like to shoot in the face ;D .

Most Favorite: Scribe Bigsley. He's so stressed out and so damned funny the way he talks to his fellow scribes, I can't help but enjoy watching him work. I feel for the guy, he reminds me of me at work. He also seems like the most normal, non-cultish, member of the brotherhood you get to meet. He's a realist.

Least Favorite: Doctor Li. She is such a demanding snobby b*tch, even when you are trying to do no more than help her escape the purifier. She's so neurotic, pompous and self righteous it makes me want to tear my teeth out when I have to accompany her to the citadel. When we finally get there and she starts screaming at Elder Lyons in her screechy hysterical manner, it's all I can do not to put a bullet in the back of her head. May she die a thousand terrible deaths at the hands of some depraved raiders on her way to the Commonwealth. Good riddance I say.

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Most Favourite: Desmond from Point Lookout. He's just so awesome! It's great how he doesn't really care about the PC, and he has his own goals. He's also an English ghoul with a bad attitude. You can tell he's got tons more experience than the PC, too. He just has a great story, motivations, and character. I honestly have to say that Point Lookout is one of the best things Bethesda has made, ever. Go Desmond! You're right up there with Lenny when it comes to the most awesome ghouls in Fallout!


Least Favourite: I have to agree with you, Lee. Doctor Li is very annoying. You used the analogy of how Bigsley is like a normal guy at work, well Li is that one person who thinks that the world revolves around them. You can so easily tell that she doesn't care one bit about the Wasteland, she's just capitalizing on dear ol' dad's work! I wish so very, very much that either she wasn't plot important and could be killed, or that you could take an alternate route, where you revive Dad as a cyborg, and he unleashes well deserved justice on her. Or, if you could join the Enclave. Though they'd probably capture her and make her work for them.

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Favorite: Tossup between Burke, Autumn and Dad. Burke because he reminds me so much of Lucian from Oblivion (same VA). Only wish is that they had gotten David Warner to play him. Burke + Jon Irenicus = awesome guy. Autumn just because I thought he was a fairly awesome villian. None of the regular evilness you get with some bad guys. This guy was actuially pretty smart with dealing with the PC. And Dad for several reasons, the first being that he is voiced by Liam Neeson (The Ninja-Jedi-Jesus actor). Also, he jsut looked like a guy you didn't really want to mess with.


Least Favorite: Wherner, mostly due to him being a butthead and for the whole kidnapping thing. I'll blow up a town, butcher a family, and enslave children for caps, but I will NOT kidnap a baby. I do have standards you understand.

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Least Favorite: Wherner, mostly due to him being a butthead and for the whole kidnapping thing. I'll blow up a town, butcher a family, and enslave children for caps, but I will NOT kidnap a baby. I do have standards you understand.



Some standards just should not be broken, lol.

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Most Favourite: Desmond from Point Lookout. He's just so awesome! It's great how he doesn't really care about the PC, and he has his own goals. He's also an English ghoul with a bad attitude. You can tell he's got tons more experience than the PC, too. He just has a great story, motivations, and character. I honestly have to say that Point Lookout is one of the best things Bethesda has made, ever. Go Desmond! You're right up there with Lenny when it comes to the most awesome ghouls in Fallout!


Least Favourite: I have to agree with you, Lee. Doctor Li is very annoying. You used the analogy of how Bigsley is like a normal guy at work, well Li is that one person who thinks that the world revolves around them. You can so easily tell that she doesn't care one bit about the Wasteland, she's just capitalizing on dear ol' dad's work! I wish so very, very much that either she wasn't plot important and could be killed, or that you could take an alternate route, where you revive Dad as a cyborg, and he unleashes well deserved justice on her. Or, if you could join the Enclave. Though they'd probably capture her and make her work for them.



That doesn't make sense. You love one character for being selfish and then hate another for the same thing? I don't see how Li is what you said she was. I don't like her (okay, really don't like her) but she never came off as that, maybe stressed. There were a few times I wanted to deck her, and killing her friend to spite her was always fun, shut her up real fast.


Desmond was a fav in Point Lookout too, his nasty attitude only amused me. Every time the guy cursed I'd end up laughing, he'd always put so much weight behind the swears.



Most Favorite:


RL-3, Shrapnel, Charon.


Least Favorite:


Burke: I don't care that he's got the same voice actor as LaChance, he's just a *censored*. Help him and we get a poo suite in Tennpenny; and a wiped town.


Amata: She's a prude. She kicks you out of the vault. Something just rubs me wrong about her.


Princess, and McCready: Self explanatory.

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Moira: She's quirky, crazy, and entertaining. She's one of the few NPCs I could see actually fitting in the first 2 Fallout games. Doesn't hurt that she's a redhead and I like Redheads. ;)


Sidney: She has an interesting story, is decently capable, and is honestly one of the few NPCs who'd have made a good companion in the Fallout 2 style. Hell, expand her history a bit, turn it into a quest, and you could have a Bioware style romanceable party memeber on your hands.




Amata: Princess "female dog" here. She probably could have talked you past the guards in the vault saying she was bringing you to her father then when you heroically come running back the spoiled little girlfriend kicks you right back out.


Most of the Brotherhood of Steel: Yes, I ask for caps to help you. Why? Because ammunition and stimpacks aren't free. That's why.


Doctor Li: Most of the reasons outlined above.


Mister Burke: Blow up a town using such pathetic excuses in order to remove it from Tenpenny's view of DC? That's just retarded. At least think of a better reason to detonate that nuke.


James: For a genius he isn't that bright. Lets see, he runs out without warning or explanation, leaving you locked in a vault controlled by a violent megalomaniac, ever explains our origins, and once you meet back up is proud to thank you for your hard work by making you his personal errand boy. Screw you too, pops.

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Moira Brown - She's so funny, quirky, enthusiastic, I've grown rather fond of her :)




Amata - That little female dog...


Doctor Li - Reasons stated above...


Mr Burke - Reasons stated above...


Moriarty - Self explainatory...

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Dr. Li has one of the few VAs in a Bethesda game that actually overacts. Honestly, when I had (reluctantly) escorted her to the Citadel, and she started yelling into the intercom to get into the place, I was laughing the whole time. It was pathetic, really. She tries far too hard ("Damnit James, when this is over, you owe me a drink!" also caused much laughter). I can't believe she actually one-upped Pinkerton, though!


Pinkerton = genius scientist, wants to benefit Rivet City with logical steps, well recognized.


Li = random person in a lab coat, has ridiculously huge idea to benefit the entire Wasteland, relatively unknown.


Yeah... the people in Rivet City need to get their priorities straight. Really. They should have Desmond and Pinkerton run the place. Those two wouldn't just make the ship float again, they'd make it fly. They're just that awesome. Need moar Desmond!

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