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Imperial city market crash


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Old topic I know.. But first one that comes up if you google "ayleid coin" crash on save..


So I figured this (or a related) crash out, it's OOO, and looks like the OP had an older version of the mod too as a separate esp (Modern versions its now integrated) - OOO's ayleid coins are bugged - There are 2 separate formIDs for them. Yet for some reason they stack in your inventory if you have both types.. The game doesn't like this - normally identical named items with different IDs do not stack. It seems okay in your player inventory for a while, but not elsewhere. So when I went to sell the whole stack, the vendor ends up with 2 different form IDs in 1 stack, then when I save the game crashes.



Get the console commands mod:



type help2 "Ayleid Coin"

You'll see the 2 different form IDs.

Do player.removeitem X Y

X = either form ID, y = Quantity : you can do over the amount you have.


Remove them all, might take multiple commands due to the bugged stack, then save should work fine.


I believe the ones out in the open vs the ones you find in chests are different IDs. But not sure. Either way avoid selling them or hopefully OOO can fix this.


Else on the older version you can disable that separate esp.. On the updated version no choice but to not use it at all or do this workaround.


Nice find eleventeen. I don't use OOO but COBL also adds ayleid coins and could be another source for the stacking problem you describe (my guy, like me, is a packrat so there is zero chance of them being sold ... they'll wind up stuffed into a jewelry box in one of my houses).

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