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Dad returns as a ghoul


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im sure trying to get Liam Neeson to do a voice over would probably be problematic (who knows he might :biggrin: ) but i would like to see an official or unofficial addon someone can make where you discover evidence James might still be alive as a ghoul somewhere in the DC ruins. maybe Underworld who knows. epic quest to find him, tearful reunion and all that good jazz :thanks:


PS. ghouls voice changes via their mutation so some other voice acting could be used

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  • 4 weeks later...
I've done a bit of modding before. It would for sure be possible, and i'd might give it a shot, but i've never worked with voice dialogue. And i don't know anyone who could voice act. So unless you can't live without voice, i can't help :( (But if anyone will offer to voiceact, i could give it a shot) But it's a good idea anyway. I'll maybe even make it anyway, without voice, i don't know if i would release it though.
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Well, one thing you could do would be to leave a holotape in a place where dad may have left it after he left, hoping you would find it.

NO! Better idea!

Leave something similar in Col Autum's footlocker in Raven Rock. You could find it when going through his stuff. While you're at it, howzabout an explanation of how Autumn survived???

Anyway, after that, well, you'll be kinda busy, but later you could set out to look for him, and it shouldn't take very long to figure out that he's in Underworld, maybe in the Chop Shop as a patient.

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Well, one thing you could do would be to leave a holotape in a place where dad may have left it after he left, hoping you would find it.

NO! Better idea!

Leave something similar in Col Autum's footlocker in Raven Rock. You could find it when going through his stuff. While you're at it, howzabout an explanation of how Autumn survived???

Anyway, after that, well, you'll be kinda busy, but later you could set out to look for him, and it shouldn't take very long to figure out that he's in Underworld, maybe in the Chop Shop as a patient.


Haha, you can't even enter Raven Rock anymore, mate!


Also, i don't know if he should be in Underworld. It seems a little obvious, but if anyone else thinks he should be in Underworld, tell me. If you have other ideas. Tell me. If you think there should be more parts of the quest, Tell me. Bassicly, i'm all open for ideas. And yeah, I'll consider if he should be in Underworld, depending on what other people say.

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picture this...


the lone wanderer stumbles down into the metro underground system..the eery sounds of moanss and groans from feral ghouls echo in the great halls that once were alive with the sound of the locomotive....from out of the shadows a mere gesture.. a familiar outline of some one you once knew..


your father...


not in the best of shapes, it seems the radiation from the jefferson memorial explosion transformed the brilliant scientist that is your father into a creature of the night, a ghoul...still.. thankfully he has not turned feral just yet and still holds some basic motor functions such as speach and comprehension..


"son..." James mutters from the shadows "Son.. it's me, your father...james" a few moments of heavy breathing and coughs become apparent as your irradiated father pulls himself up and walks towards the light.


"Project purity was a success! *cough cough* thank the makers..your mother would be so proud" he smiles slightly before coughing again, his teeth decaying at an alarming rate.


"Please son.....do me a favour.... travel to the anchorage memorial...take this ice bucket that i got out of no where and have no time to explain how i have it..." Jame's hands the lone wanderer the bucket. "Go son... the anchorage memorial... my penis fell off and i just met a lovely lady."

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