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Happy birthday to me! :blush:


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First I'd like to salute every member of this amazing community. You are all amazing people, at least those that I had the pleasure to meet.


When I joined I had no clue about what I was going to do here, except for downloading mods. After 2 years I can say that I have learned and seen amazing things, that no other online community teached or showed me. In my first year here I was a lonely lurker and I was only downloading mods and minding my own business, not having a single clue of what others might talk about on the forums. Things changed when I discovered the Image Share section and with it most of my best friends here and soon after I started to visit the forums more often and make even more friends. That's it about me, many of you know me so more words would me useless.



My thanks/feedback to some of the best modders, admins, friends and last but not least to the site owner.




To modders: Thank you all for making my Morrowind/Oblivion experience so much better. You have filled those empty spaces with, I think, amazing artwork, dedication, beauty and great surprises. I enjoyed, enjoy and will enjoy playing with your mods as long as I live. :thanks:

Special thanks to Nivea, Robert, Slof, Conan_lon, alexscorpion, Floydian, Reneer, Trollf, WilliamSea, mr_siika, Korana, Maigrets and Divine Avenger for making some of my must have favourite mods.


To admins: Thank you all for doing a great job, for your patience you had with me and others like me when we where newbies and for keeping this site nice and clean.

Special thanks goes to buddah and bben- our veterans here at nexus. You have my deep respect guys.


To friends: Thank you all for beeing so nice to me and for the great talks we had or for having so much fun playing those never ending forum games, you all rock! :thumbsup:

Special thanks to maafiaman for beeing a good friend, to Tigerlilly, coolystguy, Aleandra, Xenius, 6aruda, Floydian1 for thier aweomse shots and all the other guys at the image share, to The Lounge veterans for keeping it alive and funny, THANK YOU ALL!


To Dark0ne: Dude, I have to thank you for everything, but it will take to much time. You can have as many drinks as you can get, everything it's on me. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk185/pushkatu/087.gif







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(isn't this better to be the longue ? not here ?)


I still consider myself a newbie, cuz I can't mod :D

I think it's fine here.

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