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POLL: Favorite Oblivion Race?


Favorite Race?  

198 members have voted

  1. 1. Whic race is your favorite?

    • Imperial
    • Redguard
    • Altmer (High Elf)
    • Bosmer (Wood Elf)
    • Dunmer (Dark Elf)
    • Argonian
    • Orsimer (Orc)
    • Khajiit
    • Breton
    • Nord

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Argonian seems to fit my play style best. Also, water-breathing is NEVER a disadvantage.


It's not a disadvantage... but it's also not that great. It's not that hard to claim the Jewel of Rumare and it's one of the simplest spells to make for any race. Also there isn't nearly enough circumstances where you'll NEED to swim through water to get to your next point. Compared to Morrowind and Daggerfall, Oblivion is DRY.


Therefore, to me, it seems like a wasted trait.

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Bretons, just because it's the race I use to make my battlemage (warrior-mage custom class, not the terrible one in the default class list!)



Personally modded Bretons to be 1.02, Weight 0.95, and became more fitting to be a battlemage.





Bretons all the way!

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Argonian seems to fit my play style best. Also, water-breathing is NEVER a disadvantage.


It's not a disadvantage... but it's also not that great. It's not that hard to claim the Jewel of Rumare and it's one of the simplest spells to make for any race. Also there isn't nearly enough circumstances where you'll NEED to swim through water to get to your next point. Compared to Morrowind and Daggerfall, Oblivion is DRY.


Therefore, to me, it seems like a wasted trait.

Not really. It's just one less thing I have to think about. And even if it is, it's coupled with poison immunity and high disease resistance. Individually, they may not be worth a great deal, but to me they're highly convenient.


Also: Argonians are just cool.

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