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POLL: Favorite Oblivion Race?


Favorite Race?  

198 members have voted

  1. 1. Whic race is your favorite?

    • Imperial
    • Redguard
    • Altmer (High Elf)
    • Bosmer (Wood Elf)
    • Dunmer (Dark Elf)
    • Argonian
    • Orsimer (Orc)
    • Khajiit
    • Breton
    • Nord

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Vanilla: I personally prefer Argonians or Khajiit. For just one key reason.




Elves, Humans and Orcs are in pretty much EVERY last RPG kind of game thats out there.


You can thank J. R. R. Tolkien and the Legend that was Gary Gygax for that rest their souls.


However Khajiit and Argonians are probably based on creatures from D&D


It just wouldn't be a fantasy RPG if you didn't have these races its almost a shame there are no halflings or Nomes in Oblivion.


I went for imperial because they remind me of being British, They built a hugh empire and now its falling down around them. They are also well rounded individuals who can be planted in any profession and excel.


I remember picking up Morrowind (Game of the year ed with all the expansions) in my local GAME store getting it home and installing it. After about half an hour trying to decide what race to play I picked the Imperial because they fit my gaming style like a glove (Knight/Paladin). I spent days playing that one character, I refused to travel by ship at first and ran everywhere the excitement never got old.


I also have a love of the exotic and for me the Dunmer are just that so the are my second, followed by Nords.


I don't like the Altmer or Bosmer it may be because one is to tall and the other is to small. I'v never played as a Redguard or a Breton so I can't comment on them.

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Usually, when I start playing again after at least a month or two of inactivity of Oblivion, I choose the Imperials. A well balanced race with personality benefits. And you can't really feel left out with them either.


But usually I end up switching back to the Argonians. Permanent Water-Breathing, full resistance to disease, large resistance to poison, what more could you want out of racial benefits? Aside from that, they look really cool to me, have tails, and other fellow Argonians seem to make my favorite NPC's.

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call me a pervert, but female argonians are friggin HOT


I agree, it's weird, but... They are.


Argonian and Khajiit are my two favourites, and I've been thinking a bit why. But I think I've found an answer now, and it's called the Uncanny Valley effect. You see, the closer an artificial humanoid comes to looking like a real human, the more glaring the little things that are off become. Bethesda-games do have a tendency to activate this effect for me, since most of their models look quite realistic. It makes sence, since it's the human races (Imperial, Reguard and... Briton? I forget) that puts me off. However, the beast-races don't have that problem, since they're non-human enough to avoid the effect, while still look believable (well, to me at least). So I think that's one of the reasons I prefer them. Oh, and they should be credited to be rather unique, too. Usually, originality isn't something I really take into account much; it doesn't matter if it's been done before, what matters is doing it in your own style. But in this case, they feel like a breath of fresh air in Tolkien-land.


Not to mention that they're furries. +10 awesome.

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