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Badass Female Follower


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I would like a female follower who's not just a pretty face, but a badass killer too, and she knows it.


Not the kind of badass like a large barbarian woman, but the kind of stealthy, shadowy, assassin type. Basically a follower version of Astrid, but not Astrid.


As far as the personality and voice goes, I would also like her to be custom voiced, with the quality to match or exceed that of Inigo. Also have her personality and style of speaking be closely resemblanced to Astrid's. Also to have the dialogue amount be like that of Viljia.


As far as looks go, could she have black hair that covers half of her face, and a scar on her cheeck.

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Google "Readme 3dnpc" find her in the list of superfollowers and read the article.

I know that once the conditions are completed you can find her imprisoned in solitude, and she'll ask you if you can help her get out by distracting the guard or something. However you'll really need to complete a lot of (pretty damn awesome) side quests. So good luck with that.

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