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Making archers and casters stagger with every melee hit


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I am trying to find a way to make archers or casters stagger briefly with every melee hit, or even every time they are hurt in battle.

So far I have spent hours in the creation kit without finding how to do it, I would greatly appreciate any help with this topic as it is an important part of a mod I am working on.


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In the creation kit you need to look for the RACE, for example BretonRace.

There in the "attack data" tab you will find all the attacks that race can perform, some of these attacks have special abilities or spells.

Hopefully you can find a way to edit those attacks to make the npcs stagger, but just keep in mind that if you edit the original race then all npcs attached to that race will have those new attacks.

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I tried to edit a melee perk that would give a 100% stagger chance whenever an enemy was holding a bow or casting a spell with either hands. It should have been a simple edit, but it isn't working. I hope that someone with better understanding of the kit could help me out here with how to lay out the conditions for items or actions so the 100% stagger would work.


Skytweak is a great tool, but almost all of its tools are reachable from the creation kit, Im also trying to avoid from messing with melee to melee combat,

I tried to look for an answer under the race attack menu, but didn't manage to find the values which will help me make archers more sensitive to stagger.



Thanks for replying.


Tower of steel I supposed to prevent stagger half the time, is it possible to create a negative perk that guarantees to always be staggered when using a bow or casting a spell?

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  • 2 months later...

I've been watching Gopher play an archer with SkyRe (skyrim redone) and he seems to get staggered while aiming a bow when hit with arrows or spells. I don't recall this happening with vanilla, but I could be wrong. If it is with Skyre then maybe you can get some information by looking at the mod. In the PDF made by the author of the mod I couldn't find any mention of this so I'm not sure if it's from Skyre or not. Also, it might be in the combat module or other modules rather than the main module.

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Is the goal to affect the PC, NPCs, or both?


How do you decide who is an "archer" or a "caster" in the case of the PC?


You can create a perk that will stagger enemies onhit based on their class, and a script that will do the same for a playeralias.

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  • 4 months later...

i havent played my skyrim in a while. but recently got back into it. i remember looking for a way to make all combat have stagger and flinch so my skyrim would be a hit block dodge combat instead of the spam fest that it is.


the way i did it was alter the weapons and shields in the game. everyone of them. you ll find a stagger threshold or chance in it if i remember. as for making it only target a certain class/race you ll need to script that. bad thing about scripts is they are slow and sometimes will not even proc on fast pace action or even hang.


hope this at least helps you look in right direction. change the weapon if you cant change the people.

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