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Issue with weird illumination on a new armor model


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Hi, i been create a new armor but i have some issue with the illumination of the body under the armor itself (it's right: armor itself?)
Simply the illumination and the shadow appears weird




Note the difference between the head and the body under the armor.

I check every setting on exporting by 3d Studio Max and niftools but i not found some solutions.

Anybody can help me?
Very thank you for the attention.


The armor is cover darkness 'cause i should see it only without problem :look:

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I have had that issue a couple of times with custom meshes exported from 3DS - in one instance the problem was that normal faces had been flipped when exporting. It looked perfectly ok in DS, even in Nifskope, but not at all in game. I fixed it directly in Nifskope: select your mesh in the render window, right click, go to "Mesh" and pick "Face Normals" (if something changed in the render window, that was it) or "Flip Normals".


Like I said it worked in one instance for me, not in the other for which I still haven't found a solution - so if anybody has another idea, I'm interested too :).

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Don't works but i found something more strange. With "Face Normal" nothing change, so i try "flip normal" but the weird things is that in game absolutely nothing change.
So i try a random, i change the texture of the uncover body but in game nothing appens.


In the render windows of niscope and even in creation kit the texture appears differents, but in game they appears ever the same (like in the screenshot) O_o

What means?

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Do you textures get darker when you flip normals? If it does, my best guess is that your normals were actually facing outwards in the first place which was good, so the problem comes from somewhere else.


Open 3DS and import your meshes, in the Views menu, go to the xViews tab and check "Face Orientation", when faces are backwards the surface gets bright green, if it is not the case, then your faces are alright.


The last guess I can think of is that something is set wrong in Nifskope, unfortunately my knowledege of Nifskope is very basic For the type of clothes you're working on, you BSLightingShaderProperty should be Default. Open the Vanilla FarmClothes01 mesh, copy the BSLightingShaderProperty from the Vanilla clothes and paste it in you own mesh NiTriShape (don't forget to delete your own BSLightingShaderProperty when you do that, you can't have 2 on the same NiTrishape), don't reset you textures path, just go check in game with that weird farmclothes texture on - If you still have the same problem, something went wrong when exporting from 3DS and I have no idea what it may be.

But if it looks ok in game, then your meshes are fine and the problem comes from your textures - most certainly the normal map. Hope this helps a bit.

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So the Vanilla textures do appear ok, right? Badly placed on the mesh but with no funny shadow on the front of your armor?


OK, if the Vanilla textures appear in game with no funny shadows like your own textures, it's good.


Now go back to your meshes in Nifskope, KEEP that Vanilla BSLightingShaderProperty and set the texture paths in it to your own textures, both diffuse and normal maps. If back in game, you still have that strange shadow, then you need to REDO your n.dds textures (normal map), these are the ones causing your problems.

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