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What Happened To Modding?


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for me i simply dont play very much at all these days, also do i rather improve my skills than to hazzle with game engine restrictions and such which only gets more absurd as i cant even play most of these things on my extremely outdated pc which by now even crashes every few hours due to my slowly crumbeling hardware, i didnt get to actually play with my starcraft suit for example or the odst so far


that doesnt mean ill never ever again make a mod for a game but for now im occupied elseweyr in the world


however im still for hire :P

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Well, ignorant people who leech, people who post never to thank, but to complain. I don't blame them...What if you discovered the cure to cancer or aids, then someone else got all the credit? Its really not that big though xD...Im overexaggerating.
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There are a lot of mods comming out every day - at least 10. You may not like all of them, but it is an impressive amount.


I know there are at least a couple of modders (me included) who are waiting for FOSE v2 before we start any new projects.

Me three, but after a month of sitting on my hands, I decided that holding of modding because of waiting for FOSE were a bit like holding off plaing Oblivion waiting for OOO1.3 :D and made do.


I'm hoping that in time the modding community will speed up again once some oblivion modders move over, also I hope that as the community ages the good moders will stick around and hopefully those 13 year olds will move on.

I doubt we will see many Oblivion modders who have not already switched over, as many are fans of The Elder Scrolls and fantasy, and may dislike the dystopian post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 3. On the other hand, I just saw that Slof uploaded a few FO 3 yesterday.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Actually I'm planning to release my first mod in 3 days (mostly because no where near the game during weekdays).


Earlier in the topic someone mentioned that up and coming modders are overwelmed by the tools used and quit all together. Well in a way that true. But, I would like to add that I'm asuming that these people aren't asking for advice, not getting good advice, or are just 10 year olds with learning disorders (been there done that).


In some cases people are just taking there time studying other mods (learn how they solved a problem), studying the tools (always a good idea), making smaller mods but not release them, or even looking for better step by step guide (either have pictures or videos that go along with it) to follow or use as a base for their mod.


I'm little diferrent though. I never modded Oblivion, but I did mod Halo PC. The game are totally differnet, but G.E.C.K. (after watching youtube videos of someone using it) look like all the Halo PC modding tooling have been combined into one tool (not includeing the tools used for modeling).


Where my faults lay are in scripting, modeling, and texturing. But I'm planning on slowly working on those, and plan on adding onto my first mod as I improve those skillls.


Side note: I've only had Fallout 3 for nearly 3 weeks now.

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I see so many good mods in TESnexus that could be in Fallout 3. I wonder why nobody wants to port them over somehow. And I know how frustrating modding can be, and it seems that modding for Fallout 3 has overall stopped. If I left last time for a while and couldn't access the internet, I'll return to find a heap load of mods. Now I check back here very rarely, as it seems there is no activity any more...


Some games just NEED modding. Borderlands definitely needs mods, and Fallout 3 can't survive without mods. The only thing that keeps people playing it is the awesome mods that they can find here. There are some big mods that are being worked on, but the small and useful mods seem to have disappeared.

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real busy at work. milestone in week and a half closing in quickly and im transitioning over to a new position, so working two jobs at once atmo.... unable to mod right now, get very little time to even play gta4 and run over hookers =(
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I see so many good mods in TESnexus that could be in Fallout 3. I wonder why nobody wants to port them over somehow.


Simply because it is no fun... Why would I want to waste my time porting other peoples mods when I could be building my own stuff.


Honestly, I hate the whole process of importing my own stuff into the game, and importing other peoples stuff into Fallout would be even worse. (there is a reason I have a ton of models I have made but havn't really put any of them in the game)



But really, the problem with mods not being released are people like you. People that just show up on this site and complain, but havn't ever made anything to contribute. That, and people that are just plane disrespectful to the modders on this website and make people like me not want to release my meshes on here.


Not trying to offend anyone here, just the truth in its simplest form :smile:

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Your talking about me aren't you :glare:


lol just kidding :P


no, I was talking about Xanorak on the part of people who don't contribute


and as far as people who are disrespectful, I am pretty sure if you look around, especially in the modification request section, you can figure out what I am talking about.



you, I don't know you


I did realise that you registered for my website... which I find odd, because it is closed down and I don't even know how someone would be able to find a link even if they wanted too... I thought I deleted all of them...

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