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Mines that don't kill friendlies


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I'm always cheesed off when a friendly walks over one of my mines, and it blows them up. :wallbash: The mines are smart enough not to blow up the one who placed them, and they don't blow up the npc faction that "placed" :P them.


I want to be able to place mines, and not have them blow up friendlies. Simple as that.

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I'm always cheesed off when a friendly walks over one of my mines, and it blows them up. :wallbash: The mines are smart enough not to blow up the one who placed them, and they don't blow up the npc faction that "placed" :P them.


I want to be able to place mines, and not have them blow up friendlies. Simple as that.


Pardon if I am rambling, on some sleeping pills atm. How I would go about this is creating two lists. One white list and one black list. You select the list you want to use by some item.


White list -- Everyone is friendly, no on will set off your mines.

Black list -- Everyone is considered an enemy.


So you get all your mines where you want them, then if your attacked you simply black list them. This would allow you to let enemy forces keep moving into a mine field and only activate it when your ready.

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Can't you just make them only kill characters that are hostile to the player faction, like turrets? The Bethesda devs did that with mines placed in raider camps. (And Fort Bannister)


I don't know about that. I have seen raiders get blown up by mines that were already there (Fort Independence-Fairfax ruins area).

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Hm, so do you want them only to explode when the ones triggering aren't buddies or do you want them not to damage your buddies (Still not triggering them of course.)
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I thought mines you placed belonged to the player faction. If you become friends with a faction, then you just join their faction- they don't join yours. Thats how you can still blow them up right? So why don't you make it so they join your faction, so the mines don't blow THEM up. Either that or the black/white list thing. (I may not have FO3, but If I've reasearched good, if you do "removefromallfactions" then your own mines blow you up from not being in your own faction.)
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It's indeed the problem that not everyone is added to the playerfaction. People just follow the player and may just be set to be kind towards the playerfaction..it's meant to be that as companions agree to get hit a few times, but any others will kill you after three shots. It's better to keep that intact, but if there isn't an other way that'll be the way.


I could try to set it so that they'll only get triggered by enemies. They would be new mines, but that's fair enough. I'll just create machine that'll allow you to transform them for a price. (with a small retexture to the new mines so you can see the difference compared to the normal ones :) ) I'll take a look at tuesday, I'm a bit overloaded right now. Send me a PM at tuesday if I dare to forget to do this.

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