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Help on getting ENBs?


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ENB configurations are configurations. You need to download the binaries from Boris's horribly-laid-out site which is a nightmare to navigate and has hidden pages which shouldn't be hidden and can only be accessed by a normal user via google search. I think that the skyrim binaries might be on one of those, but I'm not entirely sure. All ENB presets will tell you which version of the ENB binaries you need (and, if they don't, they're probably not made by someone who knows what they're doing anyways), so make sure to get the specified version. Personally, I download the new binaries whenever a new version of ENB comes out, and have a folder for all of the binaries, but I configure my own ENB, anyways.


After the binaries are extracted to the main folder of skyrim (where tesv.exe is), download the ENB preset manually. Once it is downloaded, extract the contents of the download to your skyrim folder, and make sure to let it overwrite. Some presets come with multiple folders for different versions of themselves. In this case, it's best to extract the whole archive into a folder that you will remember, choose the version that you want, and then copy that to your skyrim directory.

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I make ENB presets....I'll help you but in the future be sure to read ENB mod descriptions...they should tell you how to do it. ;)


Winrar (You should have this for opening zip files most mods require it)

  1. Download this: http://enbdev.com/enbseries_skyrim_v0252.zip inside the zip file will be alot of stuff. You will see two folders called wrapper and injector versions. Click on wrapperversion. IGNOR everything in that folder apart from a file called D3D9.dll
  2. Drop and drag the D3D9.dll file into your skyrim installation folder (Where the Skyrimlauncher.exe will be found) should be something like C/program files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/skyrim OR C/program files (x86)/ bethesda softworks/ skyrim. You have now installed the ENB.
  3. Find a suitable ENB preset for you! Search ENB in the skyrim mods you will see hundreds of results of ENB presets the community has made! :D I personally would go with Real vision ENB here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30936/?
  4. Once downloaded READ the read me (It may require you to choose stuff) but if not then just drop and drag all the contents of the zip file downloaded into the installation directory again where you installed the D3D9.dll folder.
  5. You are done! :dance:

Hope this helps. ;)

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If you ignore everything that isn't D3D9.dll, then some presets will not work entirely, as they aren't packaged with all of the stuff their need, since their author made the very safe assumption that ENB was totally installed before grabbing the preset. You need to make sure to extract all files; files which the preset changed will be uploaded with the preset anyways, and having the extra files will not hurt anything, other than the speed at which one can uninstall ENB.

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No ENB should have a .esp... :blink: they work separately you can run them with no mod manager at all and all ENBs have some times unique but mainly the same features so all tend to have stupid depth of field. :wink: Ooooooooooor you could just press Shift+F12 or Shift+F12+Console key (Second one just locks the screen so you don't end up killing someone) to open the ENB menu. Once in the ENB menu you can go ahead and turn things off...like DOF :tongue:

Edited by SunnyDelight
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Do all ENB's come with .esp files as well?


Are all ENB's incompatible with Climates Of Tamriel?


Is there any recent ENB's that don't have that stupid depth of field, blurring stuff anymore?

Nearly all ENB's are made with CoT and either RLO or EFLX and recommend to use them with it. I only know one ENB that uses a .esp to fix a few vanilla stuff, then again if an ENB does have a .esp for stuff like that just put it as the very first .esp in your load order.

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