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After playing Fallout 3

Harabec Weathers

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Fallout 3 on "very hard" difficulty was an utter joke. Just throwing that one out there lol.

But needless to say I love the game and play it all the time.

I saw Fallout: Tactics at the store and decieded to get it.


Started playing and I gotta say, after seeing all the stuff in Fallout 2, Fallout: Tactics, I gotta ask, what happened to all the choice of weaponry in Fallout 3? What happened to all the different chems and first aid kits? What happened to all the perks and traits???


Anyone else play Fallout 3 and totally agree?


Also, Im getting my butt kicked in Fallout: Tactics haha. Had to kick it down to "easy" difficulty on account of I kep getting exploded haha

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I said the same thing after I beat it, Fallout 2 was way harder and way better. (and it just has that old school brutalness lol) Honestly, Fallout 3 isn't really original. It really feels like, to me, Oblivion with guns. They should of somehow stayed with the turn based battle...not having that made it way too easy. Yeah I can run out of Action Points but I can still run around and shoot em...meh.


It's just like from Morrowind to Oblivion don't you think? Seems like the devs were a wee bit lazy :P Glad mods take care of it.


I'm not a big fan of games set in post apocalyptic settings, it's not a genre I've ever liked, they depress me. I like "medieval" settings :)

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Yea "Oblivion with guns" is a pretty accurate description haha.

I never Played Fallout 2 or Fallout: Tactics until way after I bought Fallout 3 last december.

Just like with Oblivion from Morrowind, I really feel like that game was "dumbed down" or over simplified.

Lol In Fallout: Tactics im running around with a .50 Cal Browning and a Pancor Jackhammer lol. Fallout 3 doesnt have anything like that.

Yes mods do fix that little problem, but why is it that we have to fix a game?

Idk maybe Imjust expecting too much lol

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ahh, well I played Fallout and Fallout 2 way back in the day when they came out...I shouldn't have been playing them either...lol I was 11 :P So after waiting all these years for the 3rd game, I was horribly upset :verymad: I've been playing video games since the age of 3 and over 20 years I've seen that video games have "dumbed down" considerably...tis a shame... :confused:
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I think "Oblivion with Guns" is probably the best compliment Fallout 3 could receive. Why? Because Oblivion is such an awesome game. In my opinion Fallout 3 took all the best parts of Oblivion and then expanded on them by adding those guns, the apocalyptic wasteland world, great side quests (the main quest does kinda suck balls) and better visuals just to name a few of the improvements. For a small example of the better graphics, just look at the face models of characters in Oblivion and then look at them in Fallout 3. Faces look much better and that goes for just about everything in Fallout 3.


I do agree that Fallout 3 is not a difficult game to play after you get past level 5, but it's easy enough to find mods that will definitely increase the difficulty. I am pretty sure Bethesda counted on us players making modifications to that effect from the beginning and that's why they didn't make it any harder.


What could be better than Oblivion with guns? In my view, Nothing.

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I think "Oblivion with Guns" is probably the best compliment Fallout 3 could receive. Why? Because Oblivion is such an awesome game. In my opinion Fallout 3 took all the best parts of Oblivion and then expanded on them by adding those guns, the apocalyptic wasteland world, great side quests (the main quest does kinda suck balls) and better visuals just to name a few of the improvements. For a small example of the better graphics, just look at the face models of characters in Oblivion and then look at them in Fallout 3. Faces look much better and that goes for just about everything in Fallout 3.


I do agree that Fallout 3 is not a difficult game to play after you get past level 5, but it's easy enough to find mods that will definitely increase the difficulty. I am pretty sure Bethesda counted on us players making modifications to that effect from the beginning and that's why they didn't make it any harder.


What could be better than Oblivion with guns? In my view, Nothing.


Oblivion had its flaws too my friend. Level scaling was one was one of them. Along with the lack of lore basic artifacts from the Elder Scrolls universe. That bothered me to no end.

Please note Im in no way bashing Beth for being lazy in aspects of both Oblivion and Fallout 3, but just because they know there is a huge community of modders for these games doesnt mean they should cut corners.

Look at Oblivion from Morrowind

1. Painfully limited dialogue and non-essential NPC interaction.

2. Oblivion featured only Light and Heavy armor variants where as Morrowind featured 4 (Unarmored, Light, Medium, and Heavy)

3. Oblivions arsenal was meager at beast compared to Morrowinds arsenal. Example, no crossbows, no spears, no halberbs.

4. The skill tree from Morrowind to Oblivion was also gutted. Example: No Medium Armor skill, No axe skill, no enchant skill, no unarmored skill, no short blade skill.

5. Level scaling was also an major annoyance. Having to hack away at one enemy for like 5 minutes straight with a Daedric Artifact weapon is not fun at all.

Now while I do feel that Oblivion was horribly dumbed down (lets face it, its a game a child can master), I do fully agree that it is a great looking game. However, a shiney paint job does not invalidate shotty game design.


As for Fallout 3, same thing applies. Its a game that can be mastered by a child. Now keep in mind that I played Fallout 3 before I played Fallut 2 and Fallout: Tactics. Fallout 3 features a fraction of the content that Fallout: Tactics displayed. Yes Fallout 3 is a great looking game, and all the player animation and interation is serious step up from Oblivion, but its still lacking in my opinion.


I have to say, that without the modding community, I would have been done with both Oblivion and Fallout 3 long ago lol.



My only hope is that the next Elder Scrolls wont have to rely on the modding community to fix it.

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I think "Oblivion with Guns" is probably the best compliment Fallout 3 could receive. Why? Because Oblivion is such an awesome game. In my opinion Fallout 3 took all the best parts of Oblivion and then expanded on them by adding those guns, the apocalyptic wasteland world, great side quests (the main quest does kinda suck balls) and better visuals just to name a few of the improvements. For a small example of the better graphics, just look at the face models of characters in Oblivion and then look at them in Fallout 3. Faces look much better and that goes for just about everything in Fallout 3.


I do agree that Fallout 3 is not a difficult game to play after you get past level 5, but it's easy enough to find mods that will definitely increase the difficulty. I am pretty sure Bethesda counted on us players making modifications to that effect from the beginning and that's why they didn't make it any harder.


What could be better than Oblivion with guns? In my view, Nothing.


Oblivion had its flaws too my friend. Level scaling was one was one of them. Along with the lack of lore basic artifacts from the Elder Scrolls universe. That bothered me to no end.

Please note Im in no way bashing Beth for being lazy in aspects of both Oblivion and Fallout 3, but just because they know there is a huge community of modders for these games doesnt mean they should cut corners.

Look at Oblivion from Morrowind

1. Painfully limited dialogue and non-essential NPC interaction.

2. Oblivion featured only Light and Heavy armor variants where as Morrowind featured 4 (Unarmored, Light, Medium, and Heavy)

3. Oblivions arsenal was meager at beast compared to Morrowinds arsenal. Example, no crossbows, no spears, no halberbs.

4. The skill tree from Morrowind to Oblivion was also gutted. Example: No Medium Armor skill, No axe skill, no enchant skill, no unarmored skill, no short blade skill.

5. Level scaling was also an major annoyance. Having to hack away at one enemy for like 5 minutes straight with a Daedric Artifact weapon is not fun at all.

Now while I do feel that Oblivion was horribly dumbed down (lets face it, its a game a child can master), I do fully agree that it is a great looking game. However, a shiney paint job does not invalidate shotty game design.


As for Fallout 3, same thing applies. Its a game that can be mastered by a child. Now keep in mind that I played Fallout 3 before I played Fallut 2 and Fallout: Tactics. Fallout 3 features a fraction of the content that Fallout: Tactics displayed. Yes Fallout 3 is a great looking game, and all the player animation and interation is serious step up from Oblivion, but its still lacking in my opinion.


I have to say, that without the modding community, I would have been done with both Oblivion and Fallout 3 long ago lol.



My only hope is that the next Elder Scrolls wont have to rely on the modding community to fix it.


IMO, the trouble with OB & Fallout 3 is that all versions (PC as well) are aimed at Beth's idea of a console player. To me the over-sized hud in vanilla FO3 PC is evidence of this.

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beth simply became a puppet as often was said before, zenimax being the greedy suckers they are made a bunch of deals with microshit and so on which was one ot the reasons for the games becoming more console oriented, for example bigger huds even a blind mole can read, retarded button config limitations, non open and linear worldspaces (DC) and so on


then they want to appeal to as many people as possible, not necessarily players but also kids, casual moms and dads, retards, elephants and whoever else inhabits this planet thus the fewer skills, items, quests, dumbed down text and dialogues and so on


they also want to save money and thus spend less and less time on a product as to save man hours


furthermore do they want to make a quick buck with DLCs and thus dont put all the goodies into the main game as to make buyers buy even more which is particulary true for the console versions, for the pc at least we have mods which by far superceed the official DLCs, lets hope beth doesnt realize that, but hey we made mods even without the GECK


the result of all this are games which feature less and less content with every release


there was an interview with toddler howard were he summed it up quite nicely though from his point of view of making the games better this way... which just showed what an arrogant dingleberry he actually is, or at least clever businessman ala "after me may come hell i give a damn"


however one must admit that they really put a bit more love in the male without a father* son of fallout they call a game than they put into oblivion, most places are really made with at least a bit love, which on the other hand is not hard considering the tininess of the game


in morrowind i could run around the island for an hour realtime at least which i can do in oblivion and fallout in just 15minutes... lol even a command and conquer maps takes more time sometimes to cross with your troops


*thats actually a wrong translation or census, it should read "a child without married parents"

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Nice to see that there are others ticked off as much as I am about the lack of content in the games. "Oh yeah, the game is $60, but you don't get the whole game, you gotta spend another $60 on DLCs".......whoever thought of that idea is a very rich person now.


Ah, all I can hope for is that Diablo III isn't a WoW baby....I tried Torchlight last night and almost cried...Diablo-like clone...but it's like playing a stupid cartoon :confused: Really...play the demo and you'll know what I'm talking about. It's like the game is designed for a 10 year old yet it's supposed to be for teen/young adult gamers...nice job guys.

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