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After playing Fallout 3

Harabec Weathers

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you know... i think companies like bethesda these days are just...

let me explain..

lets say the uhh.. fallout series theme is a ketchup bottle.

and the game, fallout 3, is a plate of fries.

they just but a little drop, or if you prefer, a milli- second squirt, aka, just a tad bit of fallout on the fries.

Now you have nothing to dip the game in, as in classic gameplay and content.

ok. the fallout 3 fries are almost ready? whats missing? salt.

oblivion is the salt.



and whats that? they cut away some of the fries too, to feed as snacks later, to keep you eating the fries.

and i guess our modding community is the buffet. pick your own stuff lol.

without the buffet, you would just leave the resteraunt, and goto another one.

you see, the repetitive nature of video games these days are like what i just explained.

i guess thats all i have to say.

oh yea, i think the golden age of gaming is 1995- 2004

i dunno why.

I agree with mac there, but i thnk the golden age of gaming is right now, and guys, at least you got oblivion, i prefer it to morrowind, because of the graphics and i dont get depressed while playing!

i mean really, i agree that modders are what is holding up bethesda right now, along with several other companies!

yet they dont really consider that fact. but i'm getting ahead of myself.

i wish interplay would get the rights to fallout back in full and get black isle back together to make a TRUE fallout 3!

but no... we're stuck with vegas.. same enigne that was handed down from oblivion.

but maybe fallout needed the change, and maybe it needed to move from turnbased! Which gives me an idea!

why not make fallout 4 have a new engine besides, you know... oblivion's..

but maybe theyre kind of liek valve right now, using one engine for some reason!

hey... we could make a gmod for the bethesda engine! how about that!

WOW i've been getting off topic! i like fallout 3 and all,a dn i think i embraced the change better than others.. but i still wnat classic fallout back.. i'm depressed about it as i'm typing right now!

well i shouyld stop typing before i lag up the site! bah!

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maybe fallout needed the change, and maybe it needed to move from turnbased!


Well, yeah. It did. A turn-based RPG today would go over like a lead balloon with all but the most diehard Fallout fans. A change was absolutely necessary for the franchise's survival.

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