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A Better "Get Wet" mod


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I adore the work of Zepar on the original "Get Wet" mod, it really brings the models to life when in contact with liquids (haha that sounds kind of dirty). However, we all know it's not the most realistic effect for when someone is plunged in or soaked with water.


In short the "raindrop" effect that looks awesome during a storm is not very accurate to represent your wetness while under water (realistically you wouldn't have raindrops on you in water because you're surrounded by liquid and they'd be canceled).


I was just wondering if we could push it further.


Here is my suggestion, with examples:


In the real world, when we get soaked with a liquid and then remove ourselves from the source, the water sticks to our skin afterwards and causes the skin to shine as the light is bent passing through the moisture and reflected. Our clothes and hair become darker due to the water visually being soaked inside, and they become heavier due to the physics of liquid being added to their weight (This is why poofy hair becomes spaghetti strands after getting wet -- it's weighed down). Furthermore, wet hair tends to stick together, as wet things do.


Applying this to Oblivion's (or Fallout 3's) world may seem overly ambitious on the surface, but I believe it could be achieved with simple texture/mesh replacements and some shader effects fed by a script that runs when you enter, then leave, a body of water. There could be an added "cooldown" afterward as your character "dries" in the sun. I don't know if this could be combined with the current Get Wet mod, but for now I'm just focusing on when being soaked in a body of water as opposed to during rainfall.


Perhaps the best way to describe it is to show you one of the best examples yet I've seen in a game (though unfortunately I couldn't find a better video):





or this:


(2:20 mark)


Notice how Lara's clothes become darker and her skin glistens after entering water? Even her knit top starts to shine a bit. When I saw this effect for the first time, in realtime, my jaw nearly dropped. I know the tech is different between Oblivion and Tomb Raider, but I'd imagine if we were to achieve such effects we'd be doing something similar to that game's faked effect.


How we could do it:


- We could use shaders to mimic soaked clothes by throwing a dark transparency over the character, the problem being how would we exclude skin from it. Or perhaps there is a variable that can be set to control the brightness of clothing items... dunno.


We could possibly also achieve this with loading in new textures for every clothing/armor piece, but that would require a lot of effort.


- In Ashara's Siren's mod, the race auto-equips mermaid tails whenever entering water. We could use the same idea to auto-equip new hair and body meshes and textures when inside a body of water. And since Exnem's body mod lets you select a level of shininess for your skin, could not the same idea be used to represent glistening wet skin? By applying a higher level of specular highlights after a "bath" I think we can.


- We could even add in water drops that drip off the body when first leaving water (I have seen this done in 3D games as far back as Conker's Bad Fur Day). Then again that could be where the original Get Wet mod could come into play again.


SO, what do you all think? Do you think this mod is a realistic goal. I must make clear I am not making this mod, only proposing it, and wondering if anyone would be interested in helping to make it a reality.


This along with Zepar's original mod would make the "getting wet" experience of Oblivion finally complete.

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....And a huge amount of work for something most players spend a grand total of 2 minutes doing in their game lifetimes. Honestly, with the exception of getting Fin Gleam helm, and a certain theives guild quest, who needs to go in the water?


I think the whole point of the rain drops in the storms was that everyone does eventually get rained on, and fairly regularly.


I think it's great that you have this all planned out and all but, since you already apparently know what you want to do, why not just look for a tutorial pinpointing what your working at and start doing it?


Sadly, the only relevant "wet time" most of the people are interested in is when they use that Bathtub add-on, and clothing shaders don't come into play at all.

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What do you mean first two posters? you only repeated what i already summed up, Kier.

Oh, pray forgive me, mighty one!


I forgt to add the bit about the space it would take!


Oh, my, how horrid!


Quick, call the admins!

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