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To my knowledge nobody has been able to mod the game, itself. It's possible to create modded weapons, shields, and class mods, but that's about it. This disappoints me, because Borderlands would be a wonderful modding environment if we could do in it what we can do in games like Morrowind or Oblivion.
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You can get the lance car in DLC but it's not half as good as it looks.


It's the standard runner handling, but with 7K health and the Eridian 1011 Cannon for a weapon. It's also slow and sounds horrid.


Ferryt, what kind of Defiler do you have?


Gearbox fixed my game, mostly as a "we f***ed up, have this care package, this million dollars, and my phone number and PLZPLZPLZPLZ dont tell anyone just how badly our customer service guy treated you" sort of thing. You see, their CS guy called me a retard, a f**, and several race related insults I cant even hint at.


So Im back now! my saves fixed, my ultra rare kit restored, and Im about ready to kick some ass again.


I've got three Defilers at the moment and they're all entirely diferent. One has a three shot carr. mag, does OK DPH, great DOT and has great accuracy. One has a two shot roller mag, does phenominal damage. but reloads a LOT, and the last has a six shot carr. mag, reloads very litte, and does low DPH but fantastic DOT. And that's just three, I cant imagine the variety that could pheasibly exist.


I have a real thing for one hand SMGs. I've got a Reaper, a Violator, a Rebel, a Vengeace, a Hornet, a Firehawk and a Thanatos.


A Firehawk is normaly rubbish but the fire effect's damage pulse is hilariously high. it ticks at about 4K per half second, that's a one shot on most bandits and grunts, and it evicerates bosses since it just keeps pumpin' those out.


The Rebel and Violator are sidearms. Perfect should you get incapped since they draw instantly, fire very rapidly and accurately, and have large magazines, fast reload, and good accuracy. Poor as a main gun, but great in an emergancy or at short range,


A Vengeance is a shield shredder, short range, crazy rate of fire(18.8!!!!!!!), useless at anything beyond a few metres, but it'll rip through any shield in a heartbeat.


And the Reaper and Thanatos are mid range main arms. The 'Tony has an 88 round mag, the highest rate of fire of any gun of it's class(21.8 8)), high accuracy, low recoil, and good damage. The Reaper has virtualy the same stats to the 'tony, but a smaller 18 round mag, much better damage, and a bayonette for an extra 400% melee damage.


Those are my fave guns ATM, all orange spec, all level 59.

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I think its been patched, may have to test that.



Wooot round one in the Armoury works, just Don't do it in the second round. Stay away from the second LOoT MaNiA :teehee:, it'll ruin the game, round one doesn't,repeat it doesn't :teehee: :teehee: :teehee:

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I seriously don't remember Knoxx being able to take DoT. Maybe times have changed...I don't think playing solo matters that much in this situation.


I'm puzzled how you can defeat Knoxx so quickly, because at the same level I used this particular weapon variant and deals FAR more damage than any other unmodded variant can. Most agree the Double Anarchy SMG is probably the ultimate boss-destroying weapon in the game, but even then...6-8 shots of a revolver still seems ridiculous. It must be a super low fire-rate and scope too if you have high damage per shot.


Copy past'a from my old post below about the DA:




With High Velocity in my branch, assuming my anarchy does about 160 damage a bullet (I just checked,) I get 20% extra damage along with some added bullet speed. According to Borderlands wiki, the damage for this gun can be around 200 (!) damage max, but I'm gonna stick with my stats.


160 x 1.2 = 192 dmg


(I don't use Lilith's Enforcer skill so lets omit that. But when killing opponents, I could get more damage.)


Magazine size is 76, shooting four bullets at the same time.


192 x 76 = 14592 (all bullets just connect.)


Of course, on critical, I get massive damage bonus. With Slayer, I get an extra 25% plus double damage, so 225%.


192 x 2.25 = 432 a shot.


432 x 76 = 32832. (Drilling a clip into a boss's head or something.)


And this is without the class modification I personally have, which adds 56% SMG damage and without any partner buffs.


Incredibly low accuracy (30%ish) makes this more like a shotgun. Average reload time. Fire rate is 12.5, which is the best I've seen (but can be a little better.) But man, it packs a punch...especially with the class mod. Well, maybe more than a punch. More like being hit by a truck. Plus, Sirens can hit and run if the player and opponent start exchanging damage at close range.




DA is OP. Also, DA + Mind games = too many bullets = instant movement reduction basically.




But anyway. I played hundreds of hours into this game, but it has been a while. So I dunno. I can't even play it ATM. =/

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  • I'm not sure at the moment of the exact stats of my Defiler. That save game is stored on a thumb drive to which I don't have access at the moment. I'm trying to remember where I got it, but I'm pretty sure it was in the Armory. I remember quite well that I didn't have it when I first faced General Knoxx. It has decent damage for a revolver (not as good as I'd like), a six-round magazine (or whatever you call it for a revolver), a pretty good scope, a mediocre fire rate, and mediocre reload speed. I've actually acquired two other defilers since then (same character), but sold both of them. One only had a 1x scope (what the heck is a 1x scope, anyway? -- one of my pet peeves with this game), and the other only had a three-round magazine. I require a good scope and I never keep a revolver that doesn't fire at least six shots before having to reload.
    The Thanatos and Firehawk, by the way, aren't SMGs. They're repeaters, as are the others you mentioned as "one-hand SMGs". I disagree that the Firehawk is "normally rubbish". As you point out, it works really nicely on ordinary bandits, and with my Siren's Firefly build it does massive elemental damage in a hurry. It's not as effective as a Hellfire because those generally do more raw damage than a Firehawk, but with both of those weapons you're relying upon the elemental damage much more than raw damage. Ever gone into Skag Gully just to hunt skags with a Firehawk? It's fun. Repeaters in Borderlands are way underpowered. I have a "repeater" in real life that will out class any revolver ever made for sheer knock-down and it's almost a guaranteed one-shot-one-kill weapon -- and has a magazine larger than any revolver.




  • When I'm fighting Knoxx I'm really not paying much attention to what's going on. The area lags badly for my computer, so I just stand in one place and start unloading right into his face from close range. I've tried this tactic with several different weapons, but my Defiler is the only one that takes him down that fast. I'm sure I've seen green numbers being ticked off, but I've seen blue numbers ticked off on Shock Troopers taking shock damage even though they're immune to shock damage (and they also yell bloody murder when it's happening). Maybe the game isn't smart enough to realize its not supposed to display stuff that isn't really happening. With Knoxx, though, understand that my Defiler has a moderate damage and I'm doing critical damage on every single shot. I generally take down a Devastator on just two to three shots with that weapon using the same technique.

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When I'm fighting Knoxx I'm really not paying much attention to what's going on. The area lags badly for my computer, so I just stand in one place and start unloading right into his face from close range. I've tried this tactic with several different weapons, but my Defiler is the only one that takes him down that fast. I'm sure I've seen green numbers being ticked off, but I've seen blue numbers ticked off on Shock Troopers taking shock damage even though they're immune to shock damage (and they also yell bloody murder when it's happening). Maybe the game isn't smart enough to realize its not supposed to display stuff that isn't really happening. With Knoxx, though, understand that my Defiler has a moderate damage and I'm doing critical damage on every single shot. I generally take down a Devastator on just two to three shots with that weapon using the same technique.


"Hardly pay attention to what's going on?" I have to question if you are knowing what you are talking about. And please. I can read. I understand the potential damage your Defiler can do, but I do not understand how a Maliwan weapon can out DPS a submachine gun on a boss. Elemental weapons have very low base damage for a reason, and that is how Borderlands balances things. The colored numbers show the raw damage and nothing else. The difference with Devastators is that they are affected by DOT elementals as you mentioned. And here's my logic behind that whole DOT on bosses thing since I don't have the game: if bosses were to be affected by such effects, given their size and vulnerability, I'm sure they would quickly fall before any myriad of DOT weapons. Shock, fire and corrosiveness stack and become exponentially more powerful.


I'm done here. This is getting nowhere.

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AliasTheory: You don't have to get so snippy. I know what I've seen and what I can do with that Defiler. Maybe it's not elemental damage that's taking down Knoxx. Like I said -- I'm getting a crit on every single shot with a revolver and the revolver does a heck of lot more damage than an SMG. Perhaps that's what's taking him out.


As for not paying much attention, I don't think you've paid much attention to what I've written. I'll repeat. In the confrontation with Knoxx my fps drops to, literally, slide show rates -- on the order of two to five fps. I can't pay any attention to anything other than standing in one position and trying to keep my aim exactly on target. You know how hard it is to aim when you're "fighting for your life"? That's what it's like for me, fighting Knoxx, as well as several other bosses, and as well as in some other general areas like Sledge's Safe House, the Lost Cave, the Tetanus Warrens, and the Crimson Fastness. There is no dancing and firing. There's only spray and pray because you can't do much of anything else and it's all you can do to keep the cross hairs centered on a moving target.


I did get a gaming computer, today. Unfortunately, it refuses to run Oblivion :wallbash:, which is the main reason I got it. I'm working on that, though, since I know at least one other person has gotten it to run on the same machine I have (Dell Studio XPS 8100). I haven't installed Borderlands, yet . Maybe then I can actually "pay attention" to what's going on when all I'm seeing is five still images a second -- assuming, of course, that Borderlands will even run on my new machine.

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