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Before you're buried under a mound of "omg cant u read" troll posts from certain people (see? I'm being good, naming no names!), I'd like to point out that it has been posted on this forum numerous times what tools and skills you need to edit models and textures. Always use the Search feature to make sure your question hasn't been answered before posting. It saves a lot of time and energy! Thanks.


I'll lock this for now as I'm pretty sure you can find answers to your questions elsewhere on this forum.


just as a note i ran searches on these prefix's "texture tools" "morrowind modding tools" "morrowind NIF files" and a general search of "morrowind modding tools textures"


now without seeming to be impolite, the original post actually asked for help with this mod not only asking where i could find progs to help im sure you as a comunity feel better that i had to resort to searching using an engine fir the help i needed, over the friendly help im used to receiving from other Source forums,


anyway back to my original point there are some things i would like help with even if its only advice as i stated its going to be a race mod based on the Skaven a race of medium sized (smaller than woodelves) rats, that walk on two legs,






it doesnt show in that pic but through warhammer this race are notorious for using twin claws, i've found a moddel for claws in the "levelling_weapons" mod, (cant credit author as im unaware of name) but i dont know how to make a defensive weapon (like defensive swords) this is one of the things i need help with


the other one is this, obviouslly the body build is going to be difficult for a newbie, but my dream would be to have the character be able to run like the werewolves do in BM (on all fours) but still be able to use weapons, and also picking the right bodyparts will be difficult although i think the khajit will be best, (unless i can use the werewolf) also i have both and old version of £DMAx from a friend, i think its version 4?, and i also have NIFTexture a freeware program i was pointed towards (thanks to google)



again sorry for the longwindedness of this Post, i would be greatfull for any help or Advice anyone can give me on this subject

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Sorry but that's just the way we do things here. I really thought you'd be able to find advice using Search. We do it so there aren't a bunch of threads asking the same questions over and over clogging the forums. Oh well.


Erm... could you fix that link please? It's distorting the page. I tried myself but it still doesn't work... the correct format is [ url]link[ /url] (without spaces).

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Better still, chop everything in the link after "skaven.jpg.html", since that's unnecessary.


Also, the format for links is

[ url=http://henry.crun.mnnk]What are you doing in there without a chaperone?[ /url]

— although I know I'm risking my knees knose and kneck, correcting the mighty modern moderators like this.


In parting: Milkshape (or Blender) and NIFtexture all came to light after a bout of Googling (call a plumber Min!)

I'd say more, but my brain's getting Blendered and it's hell in there I tell you!

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thanks again for the help with the programs, but my biggest question at the moment is can i use the werewolf body and running mech. and does anyone know how to make a weapon act a sheild, i can get it do everything right including show up, the only thing i cant do is make my character grip it like a weapon rather than just having it rest on his forearm where a sheild would go,


do i need to use 3Dmax ect for this or can ir b done through TESconstruct. set.



p.s. switch link modded, and btw i know what you were aiming for about the posts, but wouldnt you have thought it prudent to cover your bases before flashing your moderator badge at me?, or even to post a link to some posts(if u could have found any) that were relative instead of sending me on my way????

a little bit of friendly advice is all old boy take it or leave it free of charge.



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1) Obviously you haven't searched very well, because the subject of retexturing existing models is a fairly common one here. Either that, or the search function is completely broken.


2) It sounds like you'll need to do new animations, which would require 3dsmax if it can even be done. I'm not sure it can, character animation isn't my best skill.


3) To change the weapon alignment, you'll need 3dsmax. I'm not sure exactly what the problem is right now, so I can't promise it can be done. But I think all you need to is open the model file and re-align the pivot point so it's facing the right direction. You might have some clipping issues with the weapon not staying in the hand properly, but it should be possible to approximate it.

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thanks for your advice, im not sure wether your search facilities were working but as i said i posted the prefix's i used to search and im sure you'll agree that something should ahve shown not only that but as i said it would have been more friendly to have been pointed in the right direction rather than pointed to the do it youself function....anyway were digressing here the sugbect is the mod im aiming for,



also im sorry if im not clear in what im trying to say, like i said im new at this so my terminology isnt right, what im aiming to do is.....


1. create a new race in construction set *check*

2. Create Body + face/hair for race

3. create special weapon for race... (including deffensive version (so they can have one in either hand)


obviouslly like i said i have the programs affore mentioned although i do feel that i have not the skill. so anyone who has 10 minutes to describe in some detail the things i will need to do in order to complete the last 2 steps, please feel free to post, if anyone else wishes to post about my little rant about switch's dealing with my other post then i appologize in advance that i wont be replying and i also appologize to switch for being quite so harsh and abrasive..



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2) http://google.com for tutorials. Seriously, if you don't already know how to do the modeling and character animation involved in this, it's more a matter of 10 weeks to teach you how, not 10 minutes.


3) This one is simple. Import the model you have, right-side panel, hierarchy tab, enable 'affect object only'. Move the object relative to the pivot point. Import into Morrowind and take note of how it needs to be moved to align it properly. Repeat until you have what you want. It's just trial and error to get it right.

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