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HI guys bassically i was just wandering if someone is willing to give up some time to make soras keyblade for fallout 3

Like the one is this pic : http://images.wiki.wegame.com/i/x5kd37LO.png :


Please its bassically been my dream to put this into F3 but i cant because i suck at modeling and texturing....


so yeah it would be highly appreciated.....


Thanks for a great forum plopk45 :thanks:

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I think I saw a Keyblade in a mod that contained a set of weapons...


Granted, it was essentially a large, heavily stylized "modern" key (as in, with the ridged edge instead of the teeth), but it was still a Keyblade in name...


I'll have to look into which weapon pack it was. I'm not at home right now, so I can't check at the moment. But I can do it once I get home later...

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Open locks? With a script that runs when you activate the door, or when you try attacking one? <: Either way, a keyblade would be an interesting, if utterly lorebreaking, addition to the Wasteland. Unless it was made in the Fallout style, of course.
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Lordmaddog did a bunch of keyblades and things similar in a mod for oblivion. It is incredibly simple to convert oblivion weapons to fallout. You could drop a pm and see if they're willing to do that. I would but I haven't the time or interest to track down the models or permission to %&$! around with them. I'm not a bad person, just blatently honest.
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