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tesvedit and merge plugin patch


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I am in trouble. I keep getting CTDs. I'm using a lot of mods. I'm trying to make a merge patch plugin. I'm hoping that if it doesn't solve the problem it will atleast tell me which plugins are causing the problem.


From what I've read, I'm supposed to find a blank spot on the left hand side, right click that spot, and select create merge patch plug in, then review or edit all the changes before I save it.


I cannot find a blank spot. At all. Clicking any white spot highlights whatever mod is listed at that page height. Am I doing something wrong?


Also, the FO3Edit documentation (there seems to be no Tes5edit guide) says I should use a filter with conflict and critical conflict selected at the top left, conflict status overall selected above that, flatten blocks/sub-blocks, flatten cell children, and conflict status inherited by parent selected at the bottom, and nothing else whatsoever.


Does this hold true for Skyrim?

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Well, since I'm looking for mod conflicts, I'm guessing that's all of them. I can apply the filter the older guide spoke of. It never mentioned a script, though. What script?


Edit: Do you mean this thing? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37981/?


I'm not trying to merge my mods into one mod, I'm just looking for conflict resolution. I'm trying to make a merge patch plugin, that reasserts whatever is ignored in however many conflicts I have, or will atleast tell me what they are so I can take a guess as to what's causing my CTDs.


Here's a shorter guide as to what I'm trying to do, except I plan to look over the stupid thing before I use it.



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Well, yes. A partial list wouldn't be of any use. Plus, both guides, the one linked and the FO3Edit guide say that it is necessary. I just can't figure out how to get the described option to show up.


Edit: After googling and looking at comments, and watching atleast one youtube video, it seems the option is under another option, OTHER.


So I guess only my second question stands. What needs to be filtered to look for conflicts in skyrim? Is it the same as in FO3?

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Honestly, it would depend entirely on the mod. Some mods, the conflicts are intentional for the mod to work. I don't think it's a good idea to make a huge patch that would make all mods you have that conflict work together, because that would render some mods useless. It would be just best to read the BOSS log and avoid conflicting mods altogether.

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Yeah, I've been using BOSS, then LOOT, and wrye bash, and every tweak and compatibility patch I could find. I've scrubbed some really good mods already because of reported compatibility issues. I wouldn't have gotten to this point if I wasn't having problems still. Plus, I have the choice of which conflicts to address and what to do about them, if I look into the patch instead of taking it as auto-generated. I'm not really changing my mind about this. If it breaks my game I can always scrub the thing and start over, yet again.


Is there someone here who understands the process of using Tesvedit to address mod conflicts who can tell me if I need to adapt the process from Fallout 3 or if there's anything I still need to know?

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TESVEdit change......


In the latest versions of xxedit you no longer need to find a "Blank spot"...as they were hard to find..lmao


In the Left window<< right click any place > bottom choice is "Other" point at it.... top choice is...you guessed it "create merged patch".


IN my looking , and mucking about in XXEdit I have found that Bashed patch caries nearly the same stuff a merged patch does. it was basically the same as doing a patch for Fallout's. All i can say is i don't know that program at all, but game still ran with a merged patch...lol

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Perhaps I should amend my question. After playing around with the thing for a while.


How do you tell the difference between a regular conflict that might make something not be spawned in the game, and a serious conflict that causes a crash to desktop?

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