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Fallout NV has stopped working...


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I've tried reinstalling everything 4 or more times over, and been meticulous in the install procedures.


I've attached a picture of my load order, and BOSS shows that I have them ordered correctly. I'm using the latest version of SE that's not beta.


The game crashes every couple of minutes.


I have 16 GB of 1866 ram, a Gigabyte R9 280x, and Windows 7 Ult 64. I don't have much HDD space free on C:, less than 1 GB at the moment - I don't know if NV uses install-partition space while running.


Any ideas of what's likely culprit?

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I'm going to try this one last time - but this is ridiculous. At least 5x downloading 9.5 gb, and a lot of wasted time trying to get this game to simply stay up and running, not to mention the waste of money. Obsidian should be sued, unequivocally, for such terrible output. They aren't worthy of the privilege to continue making games.

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For now it seems that Nevada Skies is the culprit, and I've been meticulous about its installation multiple times - it simply won't stop crashing the game under any circumstances. This changes little about my sentiment towards Obsidian, though: how many bug-ridden games can they release and still consider themselves worthy of even a neutral reputation? And what in the world were they thinking with Dungeon Siege 3?: it seems they never played the games and only went off the title of 'Dungeon Siege - and if they'd actually played the games, they'd know it's not a dungeon-crawler, and that series fans would not want the game soiled by being turned into a dungeon crawler. Obsidian demonstrate a serious lack of brains in their design-tact.

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