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hey ive seen all those daggers u have done and u have got me excited about ur mod so can u please inform me when its out?


p.s here are a couple of daggers i found and would wanna see in game so if it isn't a big trouble for u to make them please do


dagger 1:



dagger 2:


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I can do the blade of the first one , not too sure about the dragon.

Alien Knife , doable but i'll look for a better image.






thanks a lot i really appreciate ur trouble as i know how hard modeling is(i tried to model a sword and i just got freaked out from how hard is that)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well...due some problems that occured (burned cpu-cooler,burned power-source,short-circuited motherboard) I also found out that my hard-disk doesn't work , meaning I lost all the models I done until i find an undentical hard-drive.


When I manage to get them back , i'll tell you.

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