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Neverwinter Nights 1


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heh. This game is actually one of the only games my computer can actually play right now.(Stupid thing won't read disk anymore and replacing the disk drive doesn't work :verymad: .) There are a lot of great mods out there for it. Heck some of the user created Modules are actually better than the original campaign.


lot of really good mods there if your looking for some.

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well...I prefer second part, it's much harder and adds much more rpg feeling(reminds me on baldur's gate).


btw can someone recommend me some good campain for NW2? There is no much descriptions for modules in NW vault...

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btw can someone recommend me some good campain for NW2? There is no much descriptions for modules in NW vault...

Because there's not much written for NWN2. The Aurora engine (used to build adventures for NWN1) was reasonably simple to use, and didn't require a high-end machine to run. I've tried running the design engine for NWN2 on my laptop (dual-core processor, 4Gb RAM) and it still locks up or CTD if I try to make any serious changes to a worldspace. I'm sure there are a lot of others who experience the same issue.


There's far more enthusiasm in the modding community for NWN1 -vs- NWN2, and I think it'll be that way forever.

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baldur gate 1/2 where always better, nwn1 had a good story but i always hated you look of it and 2 chars only, i like the partys of 4 or more fighter with each other :) nwn to me just did not feel right....
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  • 3 months later...

I liked Dragon Age better than both games, although I spent 100+ hours on both NWN and NWN2. I liked Hordes of the Underdark, and Shadows of Undrentide. I played all of the NWN2 expansions, and they seem to be getting more and more boring. As for the Vanilla NWN2, I liked how Khelgar had that revelation before the trial, it nearly made me cry. I also liked taking over cross road keep, and crafting items.


It seems to me Bioware to trying to drift away from copyrighted material. FOr example, instead of NWN3, we have Dragon Age. In place of KOTOR3, we have Mass Effect.

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