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Neverwinter Nights 1


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Oddly enough I didn't like NWN when I tried it way back when, mainly due to the then-strange interface. Even more oddly, I liked Dungeon Siege, which came out just a bit later and used a very similar interface.


I've often pondered trying NWN again. Not sure if my friend still has it though. I see it at Half-Price Books fairly often though.

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IMHO, Dungeon Siege and NWN are two very different games. DS felt more like an action game than an rpg.


First of all, GPG's Dungeon Siege was not only an RPG but an MOPRG; we've played it online on Zonematch from 2002 on with up to eight folks plus buyable packmule baggage train (introduced in MP by me), preferably different orientated and equipped chars to play different roles. Tactics was hack & slash, whereby the question who would win was always heavily dependent on the chosen Siegelet and its AI. With the Siegelet Steelsworld and its Bone Warriors we'd reached an AI stage high enough to kill all high-level players that had not yet learned to play in a team. That was utterly real...

DS was a good game, worth a try, whereas its successor DS-II never emerged from behind the shadow of the original. Long time passing.


On the contrary, NWN was something for Mom, Auntie Marie and the rest of the coffee hour cos it had no fire at all.


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