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Yet another newb... a little help?


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Hey everybody, quick about myself... love Oblivion, Fallout3, Daggerfall, and Morrowind in, pretty much, that order. Recently moved from the Xbox version of Oblivion to the PC as we've recently got a new Windows box capable of running it, and also largely due to finding TES Nexus and realising how much I'm missing out on.


Having installed a variety of mods to improve the appearance of Oblivion and add those things that increase playablity, and having a copy of TESCS, I've decided to build my own location and as a first attempt it's a bit all or nothing... :whistling:


So I'm wondering how I can go about asking for advice regarding my mod and some advice on "best practise" when concerning object quantities and interior cell size...



Basically "Hi I'm Dan, point me where I can get help..." :biggrin:


Oh and a couple of quick preview pictures, please let me know what you think...



Castle exterior, all static architecture atm...



Castle interior, mostly static architecture atm, but there is more done than appears...

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Welcome to The Nexus, where I truly hope you will find what you're looking for.


This castle you are working on, has it been created in blender or 3DS Max?

It would appear that you understand the use of textures and meshes.

So please try to give a little more detail on what kind of help you need.


There are so many resources here and across the web, that it would be best to know precisely what to look for.

There are many documents and topics here on The Nexus, and elsewhere relating to what is known as "mod etiquette."

That is the formal name for what we call best modding practices, I will look around and see if I can find some documentation for you.


Storm Raven



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I'm afraid the castle and interior has been created soley in TESCS, I seem unable to grasp blender, although I have a copy... the help really is in the techinical "how do I..." and where to ask... but I managed to find the mod section for oblivion on the boards so this is where I'll ask techy queries from now on (i.e here) but any documentation how2s you can find will be devoured :biggrin:


Thanks for the quick and helpful reply StormRaven...


and Thankyou! to Branimirzg

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Hi and welcome!


The best advice I can give is keep an eye on attention to detail. Sometimes the littlest things can make an area or interior seem more realistic, like a stray rock by a door or an apple on a table set for dinner. I like the looks of the castle in the side of the mountain and look forward to running around in it with some characters.

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