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Skyrim Redone Armor Values


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Hello everyone, as you can see by the title I am having a bit of trouble with Skyrim Redone. I've been using SkyRe for a few days now and everything has been going fine but their is one thing that i'm not sure is right. My armor values. The armor values on SkyRe seem pretty high compared to the vanilla Skyrim. I don't know if it's supposed to be like this or if I am experiencing a glitch. I realize that there are patches which edit the armor values to fix this so i've been using SkyRe Compatibility and Reproccer Patches + Balbor and Steelsouls Skyre reproccer patches for the reproccer, but i'm only using Sky're Compatibility and Reproccer Patches armor values for the stats.xml file. If someone could just confirm to me that these are the right stats I would really appreciate it.


Armor Values:

Iron Armor 64

Banded Iron Heavy Shield 37

Iron Boots 22

Barbarian Armor 53

Iron Gauntlets 22

Iron Helmet 32

Leather Boots 20

Leather Bracers 20

Leather Helmet 30

Target Heavy Shield 42


These were all the armors I had on me. I just a confirmation from someone stating if these are the right values or not. All of these values should be the default values since on this character i'm only level 2 with no armor boosts. Thanks in advance

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You can try this.. updated version and a lot better, http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52678/?


Also try Xartha's one. Create a Bashed Patch then run the Skyre Reproccer.

Thanks for replying, but I have IA7 working. My problem is that I have no idea if these are the right armor stats for the game. If that patch you linked to me is supposed to fix that i'll try it, but atm I don't need another patch if it's focused on correcting just IA7.

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1. Armor values in SkyRe are supposed to be higher than in vanilla. The max armor value that has any effect on SkyRe is 800, but just 400+ in vanilla. The armor cap for Vanilla is also around 530. You can reach over 1000 armor values on SkyRe.


2. Do not use Balbor and Steelsoul's anymore. Use xathra's patches. You need the patch esps as well, and not just the stats.xml.

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When you run the reproccer, it generates new armor values for everything. Yours can differ from other people. I don't think there are intended values, but if you don't run the reproccer and fire up your game, you'll see some odd results.


I'm hoping that this:




Will play nice with skyre. I like it's armor scaling much better.



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