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player.additem not working...


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Ummm... Thank you, but... I don't know anything about the GECK. So... I didn't really understand that. But still, thank you for taking the time to suggest it. ^_^


Now, through extensive testing, I've discovered the following:


1. player.additem is only not working for the items of certain mods.

2. If I move an affected mod to a different spot in the load order of FOMM, depending on where I move it to, the codes then work.


So this begs the question: Is it possible for load order to make player.additem not work for certain mods???


I've never heard of such a thing... Has anyone else encountered it?

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I've encountered something similar in the console. For example, I want to give a character an armor from LingsFinerThings.esm (or .esp). In script, it works just fine and adds the item into inventory (and then equips it with a subsequent command). However, in the console, it didn't work, despite using .additem using its Name (such as Stimpack) or its FormID.


In looking in FO3Edit, I noticed the items all began with a leading zero, and wrote it off to being some anomaly related to that. Seeing this post makes me wonder, however, if that was the cause.

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I get more and more confused the more I read this thread.


The more accurate answer came from one of the first posts.


You can't add an Reference Id, only Object IDs are accepted. Like yourself said it's an item from a mod, that object id will not match the one you see on GECK and the mod author can't supply that id too, it depends on the load order. For example:


If the actual mod that item pertains is the 11th in the load order (counting every other active before it, including the main ESM) it will be 'always' prefixed as "0A" notice the count starts from index 00 and obviously must be converted to hexadecimal.


PS: Maybe saying something about ObjectID and ReferenceID help understanding what happens.


The objectId is the name of the common parent and is given at the item creation. This id never appear in the actual game, every instance of the object 'in game' receives one and only one (unique) Reference ID. so...


Reference ID. That is the reference each instance of an object receives in game. It's what allows many clones from a same 'steel sword' be treated as unique.


When you uses the AddItem function you cant specify a reference ID, you need to specify that 'generic, father' ObjectId of the desired object... but what you actually receives is the Item which so receives it's own referenceID from the engine. It's opposed to what happens with functions like enable/disable that only accepts the ReferenceId and not the ObjectID, so the only enabled/disabled object is that only individual and not "all instances of that item in game".


(Actually Fallout 3 allows using enable/disable on objectId (contrary Oblivion) and this is a very dangerous command usage that should never be tried on console.)

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 years later...

I had the same issue, u have to add the number of the item you want to the code.


Example T51b winter

additem 01001F09 1


it worked for me...

hope it helps

jesus that saved me hella grief, all this technical talk is nice but you literally made all this reading simplified by stating that. xD

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  • 3 years later...

It's not additem for me, FNV console I have issues with setessential and setreputation not working.

with setessential, using Both ID's for Dean Dominco(what ever his name is) doesn't work, even changing the first 2 digits to the load order as I need to be able to kill him but he wont die as I have that bug. Until I can get it working I may as well play FO3 or FO4

The Console was working a few days ago, strange how commands like that are failing.

Edited by dalec
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