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The Last Child of Gallifrey [WIPz]


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That guy seems captivated by the Brotherhood of Steel discovery and he'll seize it no matter how!


Or at least he could^^



I made it shortly after Doctor who christmas special . I needed a friendly face for my 'bad karma' session.

Sadly, (for now) that's only a mask...(no lipsync and it can look a bit artificial under some lights)

(By the way , does a tutorial which explains how to make real working heads from scratch exists?)


Very good stuff :)


Apologies for the absence, had a chaotic past few weeks, had the girlfriend visiting (we live apart due to work commitments), then I came down with notorious Swine Flu. Back up on my feet now though and fully intend on getting back on track with things.


I'll be limiting my updates on here simply as I'd rather commit my time to actual progress, but I will be updating on twitter as per usual.


Riker, thanks for the input and the site, good work as a community hub, keep it up.


I'll keep you all informed when the next big step happens.

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So any more good updates on this mod havent heard from demggy of anyone for a while...and its starting to worry me...dunno why just is...but iw ould be great if someone could tell me whats going on with this mods...ty guys cya l8r....just let me know...
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