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Guys that surrender don't get shoot at


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A nice scenario :


Me : "Drop your gun, and I'll spare you're life"


Waster : "Ok, ok, just don't kill me" *dropped his gun


Me : "HAHAHA Die f*cker!!" BOOM


No offense, but in the wastelend theres no such thing like surrounder. Everyone get shot who don't have enugh balls :D

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Simple mod that gives more sense of humanity to the hostile wastes. Could any body do this?


Hmmmm.... actually, this might not be a bad idea! You could have a script run to figure out if someone surrenders... if they do, the target goes friendly and stops fighting... maybe even sits down and begs for his/her life. Your companions will leave said individual alone at that point. Then you could talk to that surrendered individual. From there the options are almost infinite...


Example: I surrender! I don't wanna die!

A) Give me all your stuff! (You get their loot, they become friendly to you until the next cell reset... maybe they even become hostile to their own faction... "You weakling! You don't deserve to be a Raider!")

B) I don't take prisoners. (For the ruthless, evil kids from Vault 101... -Karma, kill the poor slob, loot the corpse)

C) Don't ever do it again. (Lets the prisoner go, +Karma)

D) You are now my biatch/slave/personal mule. (Temporary companion a la SCC? Send the poor fool to Paradise Falls? Hmmmmm.....)


Just brainstorming here... but I don't see how it isn't possible. Of course, this wouldn't really work for Super Mutants, animals, or feral ghouls, or anyone else with diminished faculties... most of them are too stupid or rely on pure instinct to fight.

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Simple mod that gives more sense of humanity to the hostile wastes. Could any body do this?

I actually like the idea. I have wished many times that I could take an opponent prisoner rather than having to kill them. Of course looting them of their weapons is as good as killing them, but we'll let them worry about that later.



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have any of you run across that incompetent wannabee mugger? After he epically fails in his attempt to take your stuff, you have the option of just letting him go. It's all done with a dialogue tree, of course, but if you could figure out a way to give everyone a new dialogue option for this, then while it would be a MAMMOTH undertaking, it would otherwise be fairly simple, I would think.

OY! There's GOT to be an easier way than that to do it...

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you could set up a new faction 'hassurrendered'

and add fleeing/disarmed/crippled npcs to it...


this way you could add things like.. enclave, raiders and the likes try to take them hostage and sell them to the slavers.. wild ghouls and animals simply ignore it and kill them...


i think there already is an option for the player to surrender, but only if you started the fight first.

i have never tried it ingame.. but theres a a loading screen stating that ppl you attacked might let you go if you lower your weapon. maybe this feature can be expanded on with a 'drop weapon' key and even a mini quest of beeing sold to the slavers and having to escape or work for them...


i like the idea

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