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VRAM's Importance and its arguments.


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So recently, I've been pondering my head thinking about getting a GTX 770 with 2GB VRAM OR a GTX 760 with 4gb VRAM.

Now, the 770 has proven a better graphics card overall than the 760, but is it that worth it to compromise the extra 2GB VRAM I get from 760? As far as I've read about this, it isn't worth it. - But I want to confirm it myself and so anyone willing to be helpful - PLEASE do so.

I am just using one monitor @ 1080p 1920x1080.

An i7 Processor 2600K - around 4GHZ with 8 gigs of ram @ 2000+ MHZ

650 W PSU Gold.


TL:DR = Is more VRAM important enough to compromise quality?


Also, this is not just for Skyrim, pretty much all of the upcoming games and stuff.

And no, I don't have enough cash to pull myself into buying a 780 or a Titan, and I don't prefer AMD cards, just not my thing. Personal taste, if you will.


P.S This is based off my budget. I cannot afford a 770 4GB, this is my limit.

Edited by Marth77
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A 128 or 256 bit card wont render as fast as a 384 or 512 bit card.


The 580's I use are 384 Bit 3 GB cards would outpace a newer 256 4GB card any day.


Suck it up and save for a longer time period. I did when i bought these a few years back, and because of the higher BIT (Bus Speed) can still handle games that came out 2 years after.


Do a lot of comparisons having to do with the BIT and you will see.


EDIT: ohhh and just so its said...2 GB wont cut it for Skyrim now, if you want a heavily modded setup...am just now finalizing my Load order and am currently running at a steady 2.4 - 2.8 GB of texture load. ( gonna have to cut back someplace).

Edited by camaro_69_327
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Isn't it simple?

760 only pulls ahead if you're gonna use significantly more than 2GB VRAM.

If you're planning to stay around 2GB Vram limit then 770 is the best choice here.


You can easily use full version of an ENB with that card and install a lot of texture mods. 1K for outdoors and 2K for indoors.

As for other games, 770 is again the best choice.

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The 760 4GB will perform almost exactly like the version with 2GB. The memory bus width of the 760 is way too low to make effectively use of the +2GB. There are several tests out there showing that.


The 770 2GB will perform better than the 760 4GB.


If you aren't preassigned on NVIDIA take a look at the R9 280X (by Sapphire or Asus). Same price, 1GB more and higher memory bus width that can handle 3GB VRAM.

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I did a lot of research there, The 770 performs better overall than the 280x, just that the 280x gives a better minimum FPS than the 770(doesn't matter that much), But I guess I'll go for the 770 2GB one. Thanks, you guys!

looking either at ASUS or MSI TF versions of the cards, I'm getting whichever is in stock. Thank you, again!

Edited by Marth77
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