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SWTOR 2.7: Invasion


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Wow you try and make a post for a bit of news regarding a game you enjoy, and everyone has to hijack the thread and try and totally debunk it with their rantings...thanks guys :facepalm:


For anyone that DOES want to play and cant afford a subscription account I recommend going for a Preferred account like myself - bought the digital expansion which cost me about £12 which elevated me from the simple F2P status and allows in-game more features.


OR buy cartel coins - if you spend at least £5 you get the Preferred status.


OR even buy a single month subscription, then when it's up you go to Preferred status.


The 2.8 patch in around august seems to introduce player/guild homes which looks quite novelty and will be welcome change from having to frequent the fleet every day :) I think I saw something about them making use of the casino in Nar Shadaa for gambling credits but don't quote me on that.

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Ah! Yes! A home away from my very own modded Fallout 3 bomb bah shelter home.


Lets do the samba or the bomb bah, and dance the night away. Hey! I should join the Bergeren Server the way I play the game.


Awesome I feel as I await the SWTOR living space scheme with one toon which will soon be a lvl 55. A Gunslinger.

My toon is quite the guy. Flirting with Risha is so much fun.


She is a regular sniper when she joins in on the quests.


Now that darkness is shrouding the sky I... Picture an old man who is about to draw the drapes to shut out the last glimmer of the setting sun. He looks into the room to see the private gloom of a guy I can only describe as Lieutenant Toon of Havoc squad. :devil: The guy wishes he was me. :laugh:

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Hey! After downloading the latest patch I got the toon out of bed and discovered mail was waiting.


A new pet and a new title with the message telling me we're going to have to wait until August for some of the things we were supposed to have for the June events to be given to us this May.




It makes me wonder if too many subscribers have dropped the game. 40+ were playing while I was doing quests on Tatooine 2 nights ago.

I remember when there was alway as many as a 100+ players on every planet no matter what time of day or night it was that I signed on. B Now during the weekdays nights of the week there are some planets with as few as 5 on a planet.


All I have to say is, "Disney! Don't fall us now!"

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No doubt the kids will roll in when ep 7 comes out, the game is quieter than it was but that's just how games work - people get tired of them eventually and it's been out a while.


Speaking of the June update here is what's to come (I was right about gambling)



Edited by Ironman5000
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What kids?


Will kids that are under age for mature games be allowed to play?


Or are you just referring to the fact they are a lot younger then me?


Most 17 year olds weren't even born yet when I was playing standing box video games at the Arcade Cave at the mall across from the theater.


Hey! I even recall! I saw Star Wars about 2 months after it premiered on the West coast at California, Oregon, and Washington, in 1977.


It was one of the few movies they did not trim down from its full length to a shorter movie. They would have turned the Lord of the Rings into 3 shorts 1 and 1/2 hours movies if they still operated the way they did back in 1960's through the late1970's where I lived back then.


Thanks for the link. :wub: I have always wanted to go to Las Vegas, Nevada. :dance: The gambling in SWTOR should take care of my desire to though. :no: I'd go to Las Vegas, But... :D I'd just win big and then they wouldn't let me leave until I gave them a chance to win their money back though. :wink:

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