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What if...


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A long while ago i had the idea of what the TES Nexus would be if it were a town/city.So i thought up this.Enjoy and please forgive any spelling or grammar mistakes you may find.



In a world we know as The Internet,lies a city called - Nexus town.It is roamed by many would be adventurers from the fantasy world of ES.Each of them would find many new things they add to their own world,or simply put up pictures from their photo shoots in the great Gallery called "View Images".

In the center of town lies a castle,occupied by a group of people called Admins,they are the masters and rulers of Nexus town.They have powerful weapons known as "ban hammers" of which they destroy the trolls that sometimes find a way into the city and break the law and order.These ban hammers were given to them by their creator - the Emperor of the Nexus – Dark0ne.

The castle is surrounded by many luxury and ordinary houses.That part of the city is called "The Forum".People who live in the luxury houses are called Prenium Members.

On the southern part of Nexus Town is the neighborhood called "The Lounge" In the middle there is a small closed, out of business bar, facing it on the other side of the street are 2 more closed bars(this is a reference to the "Nexus bar topics")Down the street there is a closed shut down facility of pure evil (Garrett's take over the world topic)In the middle of this neighborhood,people gather around to talk and chat freely.On the northern part of the Nexus town lies the "Ban archives".There are written the names of those who dare to become trolls,or begin to practice the art of fire (flamers).

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Well, it does seem reasonable, but forum rules and poitics are different. Like here it makes sense to ban bad langague to make people feel welcome. But if a government where to disallow people to use certain words in the real world, then we got a very fanatical government. So it would take a few tweaks. I also don\'t like it how the leaders are more dangerous than the people, since in a proper community, the leaders are meant to represent the people, but since they make the rules without any types of votes, wich is totally okay for a website or forum, but not for a real city, the people now represent it\'s leaders. Like they do in ainchent Egypt or any other fanatical culture based upon slavery or dictatorship. I like the idea, but forum leading it\'s enviroment to make everyone feel welcome is different from leading real human beings. So if this forum was a city, it could use some changes.


Just to make one thing clear:

I think the moderators and admins here are doing a great job to keep the order here, and since they adapt things to a forum, they do it differently from an actuall place where people live.

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