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The Doom of Resdayn


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Great googily-moogily! You guys have been busy. 13 pages since I left last night.


Okay, I like the Molag Bal part, and I like how his worshippers are doing all the dirty work since he can't get here himself. Most excellent.


Now... what do Meridia and Azura have to say about all this? They despise undead and would probably help you stop the crazies somehow.


As for taking over Morrowind.. well.. I don't think that King Helseth would very much like that idea. Make sure to include him in this, and make sure he's ready to throw a big fat monkey wrench in your plans.


Okay, so the Cult is committing heinous acts against various places and framing the various Houses for it. Cool. But why? Is it an end unto itself, or is it only a distraction? I kinda like the distraction idea, with the goal of luring everyone to a place far away from where the real deal is about to go down, and possibly wiping out a lot of the opposition in the process.


On a side note, I had a goofy idea last night about Cliff Racers. maybe the racers haven't been completely wiped out after all, and a nesting pair is found. You think, great let's go finish the job, but them some little twerp from the Imperial Office of the Interior shows up with a writ declaring them a protected, endangered species, and from then on, you are forbidden to harm them!

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How are Meridia and Azura going to say something about all this? Sure you could go to a shrine, but you need a reason to do so.



Also the Morag Tong would make a nice side guild questline.


Anyway I've had a very quick read through of morrowind lore(never played it) and I'm thinking a conflict between the great houses. Both house Dres and house Dagoth seem like houses that would cause trouble, I'm suggesting that all houses are joinable in some way, and you can join each one, and lead that house to victory in whatever conflict remains, with a different outcome for each house.

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