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The Doom of Resdayn


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Well, this looked incredibly interesting, even just the name is really quite great. I read a 8 pages of the comments, and when it got to ideas about quests, I went hay-wire. Why bring back the Oblivion main quest? We already did that, so why do it again? It has to be original if you want downloads.


Now, should you manage to get the landmass made, then it has the potential of being smooth sailing from there if you have somebody write out a quest.


It's been years since I've played Morrowind, let alone the actual main quest. Which, by the way, might be worth re-doing if there aren't any legal restrictions against that, which there very well may be. Despite all that, I will speak my mind right quick.

Some quick thoughts:


Who/what is Resdayn? What part does he/it play and why is he/it important enough to actually BE the title? Make the quest about him/it!


Side quests? I think sooo! A mod this huge can't just have the main quest and be done. If it's actually as big as the old Morrowind, consider Thieves, Fighters, and Mages Guilds, along with the old Morag Tong... I miss those guys. They were REAL assassins.


On the Morag Tong-They hate the Dark Brotherhood, the Dark Brotherhood hates them. Clashes and possible quests. Again, I think sooo!


Dwemer. Dwemer, Dwemer, Dwemer. REALLY miss them. The Ayleid get boring really quickly. The Dwemer? Not so much. Might want to think about bringing them back.


The Ghost Gate: YesNoMaybe? If yes, probably put it in to the storyline for your quest. If you write a NEW story line (which would be fabulous) you'll have to make sure that The Ghost Gate doesn't in any way correspond with its old connotations. The Ash plight should probably be over.


Start in Morrowind or in Cyrodill?


That said, I'd like to extend an offer to write any questing you need or want. My project has been flopping for the past year, so... I'm a bit disheartened. If you'd like to use my storyline here, (Which actually might work quite well) then I can get to work again. Contact me any way you want. [email protected] is the way to reach me via email, not the email I provided for the Nexus. I only check that one once every month or so.


Best of luck



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Wow, I just found this topic and I have to admit I'm really impressed. At first I thought Kaz was a stubborn idiot who didn't get it when everyone kept telling him that a LOT of work would have to go into this project in order for it to become possible. But then I realize that he did understand. He just didn't care how hard it would be.


I really admire you kaz. I'm very rarely inspired over the internet and especially over the topic of a video game, but you did it.


I'd really like to lend a hand, but unfortunately, I definitely can't mod. I can probably lend some help in the audio department though.


I'm a composer. I can probably make you a few orchestral/piano/string ensemble/etc scores for the project.


And also I might be able to do some voice acting if you need it.


I could actually help with that as well. I can play piano, trumpet, and percussion well, and can SOMEWHAT compose. I think what would be really cool is to do a new arrangement of the Morrowind title theme.


As for voice acting, I'm down for that, too. I finally got my recording and mixing equipment, so I'm pretty much open for business there.

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:biggrin:It's a technique that I might share when I finish Vivec :miner:

Now.if the projects it's still alive , I'd like a list with the members and what they do , the idea of the mod with the main story written completely , not some (insert plot here) things , a link to the signature , so we could have a nice main page regarding the mod. Do we have any texture artists that can build textures using others as examples ?

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