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So, how do you like Dragon Age?


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Love the story so far but turn-based combat is a bit annoying (not that it's badly implemented, I just prefer real-time combat over turn-based). I still think every medieval-RPG dev out there should play Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, that's how real time combat should be like... but I digress: game is great, Bioware did it again!
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A family member brought over their sweet PC and let my play on it for a few days (nights). It had Crysis and Dragon Age and was able to play very well in the highest settings.


I've played Crysis before so I jumped straight into DA. I played a human warrior and reached the point where I left the castle and went to a campsite with a grey warden. I stopped there as I was a bit bored with it. I hear that you have to play the game about 20 hours or so before it really pulls you in.


I then jumped into Crysis and played it all the way to the end. Oh my what a difference it makes when you have a fully decked-out PC to enjoy it with!


Alas, the PC went back to its home before I could start back up in Dragon Age. Oh well. It is pointless for me to purchase it since I have no PC capable of running it (yet).



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The Facegen bug from the character creator got fixed in the patch.


Also, according to most people, [myself included] The Human Noble Origin was the weakest story wise. I suggest you try the Dwarf Noble, easily my favorite one in the bunch. :biggrin:


I actually enjoy the game a lot, and many people share my sentiments when we say that a combination of Dragon Age and Oblivion would probably be the most eye-popping, face-melting, RPG game ever.


In due time I suspect people will create more open ended campaigns, or edit the original campaign to be more open ended [at the moment Bioware are prepping the game resources for a release, hence the slow flow of mods]. I personally love the characterization, Allistair being one of my favorites, as well as Shale. :biggrin:

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This game i am very tempted on getting for the pc, i could play crysis on the very, very high settings so i betya i could this one on maxed out. especially on windows 7 :biggrin: .


might get a copy this weak.




I not a big fan of turn based games it bothers me, i mean why take turns? it doesn't make sense. Anyway other then that i am really looking forward to this game.

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OK thanks for the heads up, makes me want to get it even more :biggrin: :biggrin:


My friend told me it was, he obviously didn't know what he was talking about.

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