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The Next President


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As any debate forum needs a political thread, I have come to deliver just that, the question put forth is simple- Who do you think will be the next president of the U.S.?


Will the people somehow elect Dubya to a second term after all the crap he's put us through (okay, I'm a bit biased, so sue me.), or do you think Cthulhu will finally get his shot? Maybe Howard Dean, a man who's been slowly gaining momentum?

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im neither an american nor a politician but a female candidate, with a (a small) handfull of feminist topics, would go along way. for every sexist guy there would be a pissed off girlfriend or wife that would, not only vote for her but also, nag said guy to death if he doesnt. its a surewin...
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I know very little about any prospective candidates for the presidency - and I'm not too familiar with the ins and outs of the US presidential election system, but here are a couple of thoughts anyway.


Cthulhu hasn't got a chance - he's an independent candidate, for goodness sake!


Voters have short memories - some spectacular event shortly before the election will make a lot of them forget things they didn't like about the current administration.

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I know very little about any prospective candidates for the presidency - and I'm not too familiar with the ins and outs of the US presidential election system, but here are a couple of thoughts anyway.


Cthulhu hasn't got a chance - he's an independent candidate, for goodness sake!


Voters have short memories - some spectacular event shortly before the election will make a lot of them forget things they didn't like about the current administration.

haha VERY true. :D All the Bush regime needs is a big sucker to hand over to the voters, they will automatically erase any bad thoughts about the regime the second, the handouts come flying.

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i wanna know what everyone has against president bush.  i'm not here to defend him, or slay him, or anything like that.  i just want to know what makes everyone feel the way they do about him.

Well for me personally....this kind of sums him up. I don't personally no the guy so I can't say that I hate him. But he sure is a wierd one. Its quite obvious that someone else is pulling the strings.

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I think there is a pretty good chance that the US and the rest of the world will have to live with Bush for another four years. The good thing is that the neo-cons (the far right of the Republican party, not the Republican party as a whole) have not got a jv team to pick up after Bush. Tmons, I don't hate Bush so much as I truly loath the individuals he has surrounded himself with. Carl Rove is an evil man, there is simply no other way to state it. People (I use the term losely) like Donald Rumsfeld, John Poindexter, Paul Wolfowitz, %&$! Cheney and other are nothing more that greed-crazed, souless pigs. They have surrounded themselves with sycophants that bow to their every whim and have corrupted the political life and process of this country.

They have terrorized the populace of our nation, forcing thousands to live in needless fear. They have created an amazingly hostile international environment while at the same time loosing us nearly all our friends. And worst of all, they have missused our military for personal gain.

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