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What talent would you like to have?


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If you could have a talent in anything what you want, what talent would it be?


I would really like to be talented at drawing, this sure will help me increase my grades (apparently, I'm so bad at drawing, that I can barely make any graphs :/

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Computer programmer (this includes hacking as well :whistling: )


For me that world seems interesting but I have no patience or time to learn the basics at least for now.

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I can think of more than one, at least 3:


1. Street fighting ability - It seems cool to know how to street fight even though hopefully it won't be needed. My father was once a boxer (a recreational thing during his time in the army, not a full-blown career) and he also used to know how to use a staff, so I've learned a little about both. It would also be good to make me more flexible but that would likely be painful since I'm about 6'2'' and the word "flexible" pretty much means "painful" to a taller person.


2. Play an instrument - This is especially true for a guitar/bass guitar/drums. Of all the genres of music I like, metal is my favorite. One person even said I look exactly like Cliff Lee Burton, the original bassist of Metallica who died in 1986, so I even look like a member of a metal band.


3. Artistic talent - Even though I may try learning the other 2 talents in the future this is one I want to especially focus on since it seems like fun and I want to go into the video game industry for a career (yes, I want to be a video game developer).

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Interesting question. Actually there are several talents I would like to have, but if I had to choose just one it would be:


Playing the violin on a competetive/professional level. I already play the piano and have dabbled with the cello when I was younger, but I always admired good violin players and would love to be able to play it on such a level. Well, they say it's never to late to learn, but I think it might be too late for me to learn it to a satisfying degree. Makes me sad really.

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Being able to play drums, trumpet, piano, double bass and violin mainly. I'm already a grade 8 bassist/guitarist, and I've started on the drums. Year or two of pracice, I'll get there hopefully, if I put my mind to it. Oh, and I'd like to be able to mix and record stuff properly. And sing, I'd like to be able to sing.
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